Friday, January 23, 2009

Terms of the Day

Yesterday aboard a couple of the rolling lexicographical laboratories in Metro's fleet, RantWoman learned a couple new terms:

The King County School for the Legally Challenged. Now what do you suppose that might be?

The such and such Transient Center. Did the driver misspeak or did RantWoman mishear?


  1. Was the jail the School for the Legally Challenged? Sometimes the metro drivers have a very dark sense of humor. Guess that's better than the one crusty old driver I get--my theory is he doesn't change his shorts often oenough.

  2. Ding! Ding! Ding! Yes indeed, the School for the Legally Challenged is the jail.

    RantWoman thought of falling on the floor laughing. Then she thought of excoriating the driver's weird sense of humor. Then she decided, shut up, at least he is calling the stops!
