RantWoman is supposed to "take it easy" this weekend, doctor's orders. RantWoman would SO like to do just that. RantWoman has visions of chaise lounges, either music or reading material or both if there is Braille involved or maybe electronic entertainment, practitioners of lomi-lomi massage, intermittent visits to a steam room or perhaps just a greenhouse with lounge space, scintillating companions hopefully including one RantWoman would especially want to cuddle with, perhaps beverages with little umbrellas in them, simple but tasty dining options, and polite cultured individuals to tote out the food and beverages and perhaps clear away the detritus although MAYBE RantWoman could bestir herself to place used items on a nearby tray herself.
What could be wrong with this vision, besides RantWoman's inadvertant success in maintaining a considerably more modest lifestyle??? Although the weather forecast promises sun over the weekend, the last couple days have involved SNOW IN FREAKING APRIL, snow actually falling out of the sky in RantWoman's presence on April Fools' Day, and the last couple days "some accumulations" in many outlying areas. MAYBE it will be chaise lounge weather by Sunday or plant things on the balcony weather but RantWoman is otherwise engaged Sunday.
The other problem: this weekend in RantWoman's mind was already allocated to housekeeping, thinking some more about what she means to say at the Super Duper Powerpoint festival, or rounding up paperwork and electronic files and subjecting herself to TAXATION. RantWoman could really, really easily entertain the impression all weekend that none of these activities are compatible with "taking it easy."
Housekeeping can always wait, but shouldn't. Corralling content for the Super Duper Powerpoint festival is a team effort and RantWoman could go either way about what happens this weekend. That leaves taxation.
RantWoman screwed up though. Her taxes are not going to get to be any more fun if she puts them off another weekend, and she also forgot to get an excuse letter from her doctor: "Dear Infernal Revenue Service, Please excuse RantWoman if she does not manage to submit herself to timely taxation due to the timing of her medical treatment. Somehow RantWoman suspects this would not carry much weight with the tax authorities, but she would so like to try. Plan B is a fairy godmother. Plan C involves RantWoman just doing all the work because by the time she assembles all the required info to give to someone else, the work will be 90% done and RantWoman will renew her aspiration to live such a lifestyle for next year.
Midweek Roundup: Magic Median
2 hours ago
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