Monday, May 11, 2009

Craptastic Camelia Time Warp

RantWoman is suffering floral disruptions in the temporal continuum several orders of magnitude more severe than merely trying to put her brain around the "new" Star Trek movie with all the figures from the original now enrolled in the Star Fleet Academy.

The cause of RantWoman's temporal dislocation: RantWoman is not used to having camelias, magnolias, azaleas, rhododendrons and lilacs all blooming nearly at once. Well, RantWoman's last transit to her house of worship was at last free of the camelia crap from a bush on the sheltered north side of a building blooming for weeks and weeks. RantWoman loves camelias. She just does not relish mushy pinky-brown banana peels in her path and believes the bushes that perpetrate such should be planted well clear of anywhere she has to walk.

Magnolias by the way are almost as wretched in their fading as camelias--except that they at least emit a wretched foul fermented odor so RantWoman finds it easier to avoid their detritus all over the sidewalks.

Ahhhh, but the lilacs...

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