Friday, May 22, 2009

Deferred Rant about the Kindle DX

RantWoman has been deferring comment about the recently-announced Kindle DX. RantWoman is predictably annoyed that:

--The Kindle DX does not even mention text-to-speech
--The Kindle DX has no provision for audible controls.
--Her alma mater is one of the educational institutions that will be experimenting with distribution of textbooks through this bleeping inaccessible device.

(RantWoman perversely acknowledges that for visually impaired students, getting materials in alternative formats with different licensing issues than the Kindle's proprietary interface may actually be a GOOD thing, but RantWoman never passes up opportunities to rant on principle.)

RantWoman was pleased to see calls on lists she reads for students affected by the demo domains to speak up and help blind organizations wend their way through the thicket of issues. Stay tuned.

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