Monday, May 18, 2009

More of This Swine Flu thing

Confirmed Swine Flu Cases at 410 in WA

The headline says it all, 49 new confirmations since FRIDAY, and 293 of the 410 in King County where RantWoman lives. King County is a very big county. RantWoman is debating whether to want more geographic specificity or not. Not seems lovely for now, especially given previous specificity.

RantWoman has a loosely specified job that keeps requiring her to talk about swine flu and general preparedness and YUCKY STUFF with her friends and neighbors. Today RantWoman learned of one person who has no reaction whatsoever to the threat of earthquakes but whose grandmother died in the 1918 pandemic. For her swine flu is, uh, motivating. Okay. Whatever it takes.

RantWoman forgot to share the assessment she heard on the radio recently: not as bad as 1918 but as bad as 1957.

RantWoman did not notice one way or another whether the Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing still had its hand sanitizer out. Today RantWoman brought Albie her own enormous laptop so she personally did not have to interact with shared keyboards. Sigh.

Speaking of shared devices, subject of swine flu did not even come up while RantWoman was demoing some Braille devices at local office of a certain bureaucracy. Hand sanitizer anyone?

Finally, RantWoman hears by email from friend traveling abroad who says she and husband do not usually share colds but.... RantWoman emailed back with concern and was assured: no fever, just head cold. RantWoman may ask again in a couple days.

Meanwhile, RantWoman certainly has much else always on her radar.

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