Friday, May 15, 2009

A RantWoman Spinoff

Introducing RantWomanRSoF all about RantWoman's peregrinations among the Religious Society of Friends, the Quakers.

RantWoman feels a need to blog-meditate about matters related to her specific faith affiliation. For numerous reasons, RantWoman thinks her many different readers will appreciate it if she makes modest effort to keep the arcana of this topic in a different stream from her other multudinous rant streams.

RantWoman has made these two blog streams display in different colors with some other visual differences. RantWoman will probably post links back and forth, but in the meantime, there is always the Back button.

RantWoman expects to cross-link with abandon. RantWoman does not rule out the possibility that people might be drawn from one stream to another. RantWoman supposes that would not necessarily be terrible in terms of the faith replicating itself; yet she will leave that to forces in the universe greater than herself, forever and ever amen.

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