Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Swine Flu: Still out there....

Last week the WHO declared that swine flu is officially NOT a pandemic (yet?). Today's swine flu snapshots from here and there:

Last week's Keep Sick kids home message from the King County Website, no
w a ways down on the county home page.

another King County Link

From today's Seattle PI
WA Swine Flu tests to focus on hospitals

State of WA Dept of Health
WA Department of Health snapshot
The actual county-by-county breakdown is a graphical map. There is a simple table of overall numbers and a link RantWoman did not follow for alternative formats.

In Spanish just for variety

For grins from
One official says the peak of the illness has passed; who is in the hospital or not, not confirmed.... In other words in a fast read, RantWoman has no clue what is going on.

The World Health Organization home page in English reminding us that yellow fever and tobacco cessation also need attention

WHO Country Breakdown in English Report No 40
There is a link to an ugly jpg map. The map makes RantWoman wonder whether those are the only countries with cases or just cases in countries with the capacity to detect.

Verdict: RantWoman will check her sources one at a time because that seems more on target than doing direct feeds of updates.

In the meantime play the scary shark music from JAWS at very low volume in the background if we need it and keep the hand sanitizer handy but...

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