Thursday, June 11, 2009


Something has to give. Or maybe more than one something and RantWoman will STILL have too much on plate.

It's officially a pandemic yet, and pandemic flu is trending on Twitter. It will still be a pandemic tomorrow.

RantWoman will not opine about markets and labels and hopes for vaccine. Instead RantWoman will note morning radio's reports of, in the local vernacular, the First Nations community in Northern Manitoba where there have already beens something like 22 deaths. A couple nights ago As it Happens had a piece on that community and previous pandemics. Not much stuck in brain from earlier report except location and flu. Today's report had toddler being flown to Winnipeg but not much else to be done except cold baths and Tylenol.

Oregon notes its first death from swine flu, someone with multiple other conditions.

Friend on Twitter confesses her own Household Hazard Hunt query. Post RantWoman's confessions in that vein another time along with random small disaster prep discussions of the viral chatter sort.

RantMom, her wonderful sibs and probably a passle of other farm kid cousins are vacationing their hearts out in the home environs. RantWoman would make the morning I love ya call on the cellphone family plan, but they are probably half done with their day and too much farm kid peppiness will just make RantWoman feel like even more of an urban slug than she already does. Someone famous that RantWoman decided on a whim to follow also gets up late and he has half a million people following him get up.

Twitter link on Chronicle of Philanthropy live discussion about foundations in recession. Read bulk of text then flip in and out read updates. I LOVE their site, once I figured out how it works. Fine line between info overload and grazing / fertilizing / cross-pollinating. Need to get the Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing on solid footing so read this instead of some other ....

NEED to do paperwork for some other projects and work on a third proposal. Need to partner with someone who needs office skills experience so I can just coach.


  1. Don't forget that you NEED to come over for dinner on Sat. so we can send you home with heaps of garden produce.

  2. Yum! Looking forward to it.

    Mean to post about balcony gardening adventures. Everything but chives and parsley is still seedlings, but plenty of adventure anyway.

    See ya Saturday...
