Monday, August 24, 2009

Bed Bugzzzzz!

Those of you lamenting the lack of any recent RantWoman items about swine flu, cue the bass da-da-da-da scary Jaws shark music at low volume in the background. Swine flu is still out there. It appears to be alive and doing especially well in several countries of South America as well as in Alaska and Maine in the US.

RantWoman's current preparedness measures: Stock up--or at least intend to--on hand sanitizer, packets of alcohol wipes, the prevention measure of choice. Institute policies to regularly wipe down surfaces a lot of people might touch. Take note of who has relevant "underlying conditions and might need to pay particular attention to flu symptoms. Make a further list of topics to panic, get hysterical, or at least research the heck out of. Make sure your basic disaster preparedness, survive without replenishment measures last at least 7 days assuming a big flu outbreak might drag out delivery calendars for lots of goods in different ways than a full disaster and that you are already maintining reserves of key items because of the recession.

Meanwhile RantWoman presents another big scary source of holy terror, BEDBUGS and a reported "nationwide outbreak" of same. RantWoman received these tidings in the form of a big orange wall sign with teeny tiny print in her building elevator. RantWoman managed by pressing her nose close enough almost to read the text tactilely to discern the terms bedbugs, nationwide outbreak and "don't dumpster-dive."

RantWoman was actually still getting her act together to research whether there are any particular things to worry about in a building with a shared laundry room--besides all the other social miracles and mishaps of same--when she received email from a faroff friend complaining about apparent private service by the annoying little pests. Friend and husband suspect that an old mattress in their basement might have gotten infested; now the couple is just hoping that getting rid of the mattress and replacing their regular mattress which they were doing anyway will banish any further problems. RantWoman is not sure friend was amused about RantWoman's reference to private service.

Some topical info:
Really rockin PDF from King County Public Health
Homeless Health News

says the pests are annoying but actually do not spread disease although some people are allergic to the bites. Also scratching itchy bites leaves skin breaks that might lead to other infections.

February 2009 article from The Stranger

Also notable besides not a single use of the F word: bedbugs are everywhere including hotels and homes and some resources in the comments.

A whole website devoted to:

Typing Bedbugs into your fave search engine will also generate a whole list of pest control options from the 500-pound DDT bomb, which apparently would not necessarily help to wholesome all-natural eradication methods whose marketers are apparently oblivious to the irony of the words wholesome and eradication in the same sentence.

For now, RantWoman chooses--until presented with evidence too compelling to ignore--to believe the bit about bedbugs not living in clothing more than the bits about them living for up to 9 months between meals in places like suitcases. RantWoman of course has a long list of candidates for her panic list and she probably will make strategic use of the HOT wash cycle, but MAYBE bedbugs will just have to wait in line with all of RantWoman's other neuroses.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. An article in The Stranger without the F word? How did that one slip past the editorial staff? Here's an NPR story from a few months back. The title is something I'd expect from The Stranger--"The Only Good Bedbug Is A Toasted One."
