RantWoman is thrilled. Humanware is about to release Orator, a speech synthesizer for the Blackberry.
RantWoman has over the last few months been wading through decisions about SmartPhones, accessibility features, netbook computers, wi-fi contracts and other telecommunications tariff structure internet infrastructure gobbledygook gobbledygook-y enough to make problem sets in, say, quantum thermodynamics sound like more fun. RantWoman is terribly excited that she gets to add Orator and the Blackberry solidly into her set of choices, especially since she received a text message the other day reminding her that she needs tomake changes in her mobile communications plan anyway.
Sigh. Despite receiving the hype reproduced below these links, RantWoman just went to the Humanware site and found an FAQ list, http://www.humanware.com/en-usa/support/orator_for_blackberry_smartphones/frequently_asked_questions__orator_for_blackberry_smartphones
with several links exhorting one to sign up for updates. Okay, okay, RantWoman is not ready to buy quite, quite yet anyway, but RantWoman is going to let her imagination run away with her at least a little bit.
Meanwhile, some hype and training opportunities received this morning.
Accessible World presents Tek Talk, The Orator Screen Reader, August31, 2009 (a large print text only version is available at:http://www.humanware.ca/web/en/newsletter/56-t.htm) In today's world access to information on the go is key and highlyrelated to the ability to communicate via portable mobile solution. The constantevolution of mass-market electronics has been providing more portability thanever before and smartphones are quickly becoming the predominant way thatbusiness professionals, individual consumers and students stay in touch withtheir friends, family and information while on the go. Unfortunately this mobiletechnology creates accessibility challenges for people who are blind andvisually impaired. One of the most popular mobile devices today is the Blackberry.Orator is a unique screen reader software that brings your BlackBerry®Smartphone to life using state of the art text to speech (TTS) technology withadjustable volume and speech rate to let you access and interact with theSmartphone applications. Orator converts the information presented visually onthe device screen into intuitive and familiar speech output. Whether you are atwork, home or on the go, Orator will let you manage your emails and contacts,make and receive calls, compose and read text messages and other features whileon the go. Powered by Code Factory and design for the new generation ofBlackBerry® smart phones with full QWERTY keyboard, Orator will provide you witha unique mobile communication experience. Orator provides you:
a.. State of the art TTS engine voice output
b.. Auto start mode when the device turns on
c.. Full control over the speed and pitch of the voice
d.. Different verbosity levels to allow users to define the amountof information provided
e.. Keyboard echo settings for text entry
f.. Easy to use command structure
g.. Training mode to help familiarize yourself with the structure
h.. Fully operational during a call
i.. Multi language support
j.. Support documentation on the device
Presenter: Michel Pepin, Products Manager, Humanware Email: michel.pepin@humanware.com
Date: Monday, August 31st, 2009
Time: 5:00 p.m. PDT
6:00 p.m. MDT
7:00 p.m. CDT
8:00 p.m. EDT
and elsewhere in the world Tuesday 0:00 GMT Approximately 15 minutes prior to the event start time; go to ThePat Price Tek Talk Training Room at: http://conference321.com/masteradmin/room.asp?id=rsc9613dc89eb2
Or, alternatively. Select The Pat Price Tek Talk Training Room at:www.accessibleworld.org Enter your first and last names on the sign-in screen.
If you are a first-time user of the Talking Communities online conferencing software, there is a small, safe software program that you need todownload and then run. A link to the software is available on every entry screento the Accessible World rooms All online interactive programs require no password, are free ofcharge, and open to anyone worldwide having an Internet connection, a computer,speakers, and a sound card. Those with microphones can interact audibly with thepresenters and others in the virtual audience. To speak to us, hold down thecontrol key and let up to listen. If a microphone is not available, you may textchat with the attendees.
All Tek Talk Training events are recorded and archived. If you areunable to participate live at the above times then you may download thepresentation or podcast from the Accessible World Recent Additions atwww.accessibleworld.org. Previous Tek Talk programs are available by selectingTek Talk Archives on the same webpage.
Accessible World uses News Wires, like this one, to inform people ofthe topic and times for the many Discussion Groups on Accessible World. Thelists are announce only to keep the traffic to a minimum. You can join theAccessible World Announce List, the Tek Talk Announce List or the Sports TalkAnnounce List by completing the form at: www.accessibleworld.org/mailinglists Accessible World also provides a Tek Talk Discussion List. This listis intended to give you an opportunity to ask computer related questions,suggest topics to be used in the weekly Monday training programs, or just tointeract with others interested in using assistive devices to access computers.You may sign up for this list by selecting the Tek Talk Discussion link on thesame page and completing the form.
Accessible World Contacts:
Robert Acosta, Chair Accessible World 818-998-0044 Email: boacosta@pacbell.net Web: http://www.helpinghands4theblind.com/
Joann Becker, Events Coordinator Accessible World 617-969-1213 Email: joannbecker@pcomcast.net
George Buys, CEO. Talking Communities Email: buys@talkingcommunities.com
The Accessible World, a division of Helping Hands For The Blind, a501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, seeks to educate the general public, the disabled community and the professionals who serve them by providing highly relevant information about new products, services, and training opportunitiesdesigned specifically to eliminate geographic and access barriers that adverselyaffect them
©2009 HumanWare
Midweek Roundup: Magic Median
1 hour ago
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