Saturday, October 17, 2009

The 550

RantWoman needs to note the following comment. Several times recently when RantWoman was waiting for the Light Rail, one of RantWoman's favorite bus routes, the 550 to Bellevue came by before the train.

RantWoman did not need to go to Bellevue or Mercer Island. However, one reason RantWoman LOVES the 550 is that it is even fewer stops, exactly ONE compared to 4 out of downtown to where RantWoman most often needs to go. When all is sunny and dry and daylit, RantWoman can take the 550 out of downtown to the Rainier and I-90 stop and then walk to any of several destinations important to her or catch a bus for the last few blocks of her journey.

This would not be a RantWoman post without a couple grumbles of course. RantWoman is a pretty avid walker and tolerates the steep walkways between the I-90 freeway stop and bus connections on Rainier. However, these walkways are way too steep for RantMom. When she and RantWoman are traveling together we are more likely to make connections at 5th and Jackson or another downtown stop. Alas, although that works for RantMom's knees, it totally whacks any time advantage.

More importantly from RantWoman's point of view: the I-90 stop is designed without nearly as many angles of pedestrian approach as RantWoman would want. Specifically, RantWoman would SO like to continue her journey on the E side of Rainier; unfortunately, RantWoman so does not like uncontrolled freeway onramps. Nor alas does RantWoman entirely some of her other options for crossing Rainier.

More importantly, RantWoman's rich fantasy life includes a walkway that would start out level with the freeway and take RantWoman level or up into the park toward a whole route that is specifically designed for pedestrians (and bicycles). The actual walking distance toward RantWoman's abode is actually a bit longer than from the light rail station. However, a much bigger percentage of the walk is much more pleasant for pedestrians than walking along a busy street with bright car lights and noise and cars splashing.

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