Sunday, October 4, 2009

Give us this day our daily caffeine

In the beginning there was God. Insert numerous theological and quasi theological excursions... A whole bunch of things happened at random or on purpose or at any rate to be gone on and on about perhaps in RantWoman's other blog.

The point is that God created heaven and earth and populated it with people of widely varying talents. Some of them like RantMom, after a life time of rising at 5 am now sleep in until the slovenly hour of 6 am. Others, such as RantWoman are pretty much pathetic puddles of protoplasm until sufficient caffeine is added.

But why is RantWoman boring her transit groupies with this banality? The September shakeup has left RantWoman's Sunday schedule reeling. RantWoman's preferred bus to the U-district has had its schedule adjusted by a whole FIFTEEN MINUTES. This means RantWoman can only arrive on time at her destination either by leaving home 20 minutes earlier (not bloody likely on a day of rest, thank you very much) or by making a beeline from her bus stop to her house of worship sans fortification offered by her preferred caffeine purveyor. Anyone who thinks RantWoman is an ungodly mess with her morning caffeine does not want to encounter the decaffeinated RantWoman.

RantWoman dutifully experimented last week; this week she tried a different idea. There is another bus at RantWoman's stop that comes ahead of RantWoman's 48. It stops at a Starbucks; RantWoman's 48 follows at the stop several minutes later. RantWoman's bright idea this week was to catch the first bus, buzz into Starbucks and pop back out in time to catch the 48.

This was a brilliant idea! The only problem is that RantWoman had not reckoned on there being a line until next Wednesday of other pathetic puddles of protoplasm also needing mid-morning caffeine in order to attain personhood. RantWoman walked in. RantWoman saw the line. RantWoman checked the time and decided not even to chance it. RantWoman got her bus, got coffee at her usual place in the U-district and AGAIN arrived late.

Now, what will be RantWoman's next revelation? Tune in next week.

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