The night of the shooting, RantMom had scored tickets to another culture event downtown. RantWoman and RantMom barely made it to board the 7 at Benaroya just after 10. The front of the bus was emptier than sometimes. On the 7 that also means the very colorful character count was a little below average.
One babe transacting heaven knows what on hercellphone from the seat across from the driver was more than colorful enough in her own right to make up for a few missing faces. This charming entrepreneur decided the two stiff white ladies were too many ears and a stop or two later moved to the back of the bus. Considering Ms. Entrepreneur's limited and overly foul vocabulary, RantWoman definitely was not the least bit sorry. RantWoman did, though, find herself wondering why the driver was not too many ears, but RantWoman and RantMom were.
About that time, the first calls came over the radio of possible bus reroutes on other routes we are very familiar with. RantWoman's first thought was along the lines of "Oh Good Grief. More gangbangers with guns." That would have been more than bad enough.
Entrepreneur Lady was loudly announcing all the way from the back that she was getting off well before RantMom's stop. For Halloween, the vibe was still remarkably mellow: RantWoman supposes at that hour, perhaps all the busbound ghouls had already gotten where they were going and were not planning to go home for awhile. There was some moment of traffic tie-up before Jackson, but by that time the bus radio already cleared part of the affected area. RantMom reassured RantWoman that she felt fine if RantWoman wanted to get off first at her own stop and we promised to call when home.
Email junkie that RantWoman is, she had barely gotten her coat off before firing up the computer and feeling her stomach drop seeing the news.
RantWoman has been mostly following developments online, though she did pay an in-person visit to the memorial at the site of the shooting. RantWoman went one night when she was nearby for a related meeting. One bad thing about a night time visit was the loud noise and really bright floodlights, but that's when it worked for RantWoman's schedule. Apparently that was when it worked for others as well.
The other bad thing from RantWoman's perspective was one of those scary terminally well-meaning trying to be helpful moments that Thwack the Cane sometimes brings out in people. RantWoman had found a place to sit and pray and watch for a few minutes without totally frying what her eyes don't do well when faced with really bright lights in the dark. RantWoman sat for a bit and was getting ready to leave,standing with Thwack the Cane at a corner checking for traffic.
A car pulled up across the street, a woman who turned out to be wearing a black dress got out and was yelling at RantWoman not to cross. For the record, RantWoman was wearing black too, but at least she was well festooned with visibility enhancers. RantWoman had already heard a car coming from the closer lane but turned to better hear the well-meaning voice. By this time the well-meaning voice had charged across in front of the car she was worried about hitting RantWoman and offered to escort RantWoman across the street.
Most of the time RantWoman manages a diplomatic Thank you in this sort of situation. Black Dress Lady is just lucky she did not get "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR #$%@#@# MIND?" along with one of RantWoman's trademark equal opportunity nighttime visibility lectures. RantWoman made do by assuring her that she knows perfectly well how to get a bus nearby and beat it out of there as fast as possible to avoid any further bouts of good intentions.
Came then the memorial procession and memorial service. If the city can reroute traffic all over NE Seattle for home Husky games and can reroute all kinds of things downtown for pro sports events, RantWoman thinks putting up with traffic disruptions for one day for something like the memorial is the very least the public can do.
Well, RantWoman thought that until she caught sight of one packed parking lot and the words "carbon footprint" wandered to mind. The very point of parking lots of course is cars and hence carbon footprint. It's not like first responder vehicles are any exception, but RantWoman did sourly think everyone who uses their car should.... Well, you get the idea.
RantWoman's thought about the memorial, had she any interest in going would be, if you must involve your automobile, park far away and take the bus. Then RantWoman looked at the massive list of affected bus routes, again probably not any worse than lots of other large events, but RantWoman took note anyway.
RantWoman sends sincere condolences to Officer Brenton's family, loved ones and coworkers. RantWoman wishes Officer Sweeney quick and thorough recovery and a long, strong career in law enforcement.
Meanwhile, closer to home, RantWoman took note of various contact numbers and info-sharing options. Now that RantWoman has a cellphone she is almost happy about even including TEXTING RantWoman can almost see, maybe she will add the info to her phone and even use it at least occasionally in connection with the most outrageous events around her.
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