RantWoman ordinarily tries to limit the time and energy she feeds to, warning: disrespectful and possibly irreligious candor coming, pompous hate-mongering blowhards. In fact, after this post, RantWoman is going to do the best she can to shut up and pray mainly on the assumption that others in the chattering masses are likely to carry on in far more refined public form than RantWoman can.
The object of RantWoman's current rant: Glenn Beck, official media blowhard and his latest pronouncements about religion and social justice. For exact details, RantWoman thinks her readers can use their own darn search engines or punch the buttons on their own darn remotes, but here is a bit from a blog RantWoman reads fairly regularly:
Last time RantWoman checked, every religious tradition RantWoman has even glancing familiarity with has been going on in some fashion or other about social justice since long before either fascism or communism, not to mention Glenn Beck himself, ever existed. RantWoman would be grateful for people saying that whenever offered opportunities to comment.
RantWoman realizes that Glenn Beck hails from somewhere around here and was in fact offered the key to the city last time he visited his home town.
RantWoman realizes that the Pacific Northwest has a much lower rate of church attendance and some other indicators of religious intent than many other parts of the US so in fact the percentage of folk likely to be motivated to flee their congregations over mention of the term "social justice" is not necessarily huge. RantWoman also meets people who do not even need Glenn Beck to find reasons to flee their religious congregations but that may be another problem.
Given the local geographical topicality of Glenn Beck however, RantWoman simply must weigh in; now she will resume her "shut up and pray" mode and resume other time-sensitive work.
Weekend Link Disruptions Extended
12 hours ago
Further commentary
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