If RantWoman were going to be anywhere near Omaha NE on May 14-15, she would definitely make plans to attend some or all of the following event:
Cumbre 2010: Human Mobility, the Promise of Development and Political Participation
Please see below: This is the Program for theCumbre2010: Human Mobility, the Promise of Development and Political Participation set for May 14 & 15 in Omaha, Nebraska. Well worth the time and it is free due to sponsors and a grant. So please spread the word.
Registration isrequired but is free – forms and other details available at http://www.unomaha.edu/ollas/program.php
Janet Bonet
4502 S 14th StOmaha NE 68107
Friday, May 14
7:00 am – 4:00 pm Registration
8:00 am-8:30 am Welcome& Introductory RemarksJim Suttle, Mayor,City of OmahaBrenda Council, Senator,Nebraska LegislatureDavid Boocker,Dean, College of Arts and SciencesUniversity of Nebraska atOmaha (UNO)Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado, AssistantDirector of the Office ofLatino/Latin AmericanStudies (OLLAS) and Associate Professor ofPolitical Science, UNO
8: 40 am- 10:10 am OpeningSession [SI/IS]Human Mobility,Economic Development and LaborRaúl Delgado Wise,President International Network on Migration andDevelopment (INMD) andDirector of Doctorate Program inDevelopment,Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (UAZ), Mexico“A criticalPerspective on the Relationship Between Development andMigration”Ronaldo Munck,Head of Civic and Global Engagement, Dublin CityUniversity, Ireland“Migration,Globalization and Development: A Labour MovementPerspective”2Lourdes Gouveia,OLLAS Director and Professor of Sociology, UNO“Immigrant Laborand Development Strategies at a Time of Crisis: TheNebraskaCase”Comments/ComentariosSenatorDora Aguirre, National Assembly, Ecuador. "Desde un paísemisor:políticas de desarrollo, co-desarrollo y el foro social mundial delas migraciones enEcuador" (From a Sending Nation: DevelopmentPolicies, Co-Development andthe Global Social Forum on Migration inEcuador)ModeratorPatriciaEugenia Zamudio Grave, Centro de Investigacionesy EstudiosSuperioresen Antropología Social (CIESAS-Golfo), Mexico
10:20 am-11:35 am ConcurrentSessions 1A and 1B and Round Table.
Session 1A Brain Drain, Brain Gain and Brain Waste: Qualified Migrants from Latin America, India and the Great Plains.Binod Khadria,Professor of Economics at the Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal NehruUniversity (JNU) and ProjectDirector, International Migration andDiaspora Studies (IMDS),India“Policies, Practices,and Mutation of the Brain Drain: Illusion,Camouflage, and Denial asInstruments in Global Governance of Human Mobility”
FernandoLozano Ascencio, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias(CRIM), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México(UNAM)“Recent trends in Qualified Migration from Latin America and theCaribbean: Between Brain Drain and Brain Waste”Jerry Deichert,Executive Director, Center for Public Affairs Research,UNO“BrainDrain and Brain Gain: A Nebraska Perspective”ModeratorMario Sánchez,M.D., Creighton University Medical Center3Session 1B [SI/IS]
Migration andDevelopment in Origins and Destinations: Oaxaca,Veracruz and NebraskaRochelle Dalla, JenniferDeLeón ,Tammy Stuhmer, University of Nebraskaat Lincoln and León Carreño, Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga, Colombia“Rural Community Longevity: Capitalizing on Diversity for ImmigrantResidential Stability”Eduardo E. Arellano Amaya, Universidad Tecnológica de los VallesCentrales de Oaxaca, Mexico“The Migration Impact in Oaxaca’s Rural Development: The Case of El Trapiche”Rafael Reyes Morales, Instituto Tecnológico de Oaxaca and Alicia Sylvia Gijón Cruz, Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez deOaxaca(UABJO),Mexico“Larelación entre migración, bienestar de los hogares y economías encomunidadesrurales de México”PatriciaEugenia Zamudio Grave and Rosalba CortésViveros, CentrodeInvestigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social(CIESAS-Golfo),Mexico“Propiedadde la tierra, producción y migración: un estudio comparativoendos comunidades rurales de Veracruz”ModeratorArturo Spindola,Executive Director, Mexican-American Commission11: 45 am-1:20 pm LuncheonKeynote Address [SI/IS]“ImmigrationReform: Why Should All Employers be Concerned andInvolved?”Angelo I. Amador, Directorof Immigration Policy, U.S. Chamber ofCommerceIntroductionJonathan Benjamin-Alvarado,OLLAS/UNO41:30 pm- 3:15 pm ConcurrentSessions 2A, 2B and 2CSession 2A [SI/IS]Immigrants’Economic Impact at Home and Away: Mexico, El Salvadorand NebraskaRaúl Delgado Wise,President International Network on Migration andDevelopment (INMD) andDirector of Doctorate Program in DevelopmentUniversidadAutónoma de Zacatecas (UAZ), Mexico“Contributions ofMexican Migrants to the US Economy and Costs ofEmigration for Mexico”Christopher S. Decker, Departmentof Economics, UNO“The Economic andFiscal Impact of Immigrants in Nebraska”Katharine Andrade-Eekhoff, ProjectCoordinator for NALACC, andProgram Manager of Justiceand Peacebuilding CRS El Salvador“Paying their Share: Migrants'Contribution to Fiscal Health in ElSalvador and Mexico”(findings from a report produced by NALACC)ModeratorSession 2BGlobal Education andLocal Community Engagement: Nebraska,Mexico and PerúChizuru Ushida,Princeton University and Nanzan University, Japan“Bilingual Education:Gateway to a Better Future for Latino Children”Susan Mayberger,Coordinator of English as a Second Language (ESL),Migrant and RefugeeEducation, Omaha Public Schools“Open the Door andThey Will Come In: Providing Quality EducationalProgramming for ImmigrantFamilies”Sandra Nichols,Cultural Geographer, University of California-Berkeley“ExpandingOpportunities for the Next Generation in a MexicanTransnational Community: TheLos Haro Summer Camp Project”Olga Celle, VisitingProfessor and Lead Instructor for Latin AmericanStudy Abroad OLLAS/UNO, ArturoMiranda, Service LearningAcademy & ForeignLanguages UNO and Erin Gesell, OLLAS/UNO5“Global Lima:Informing Service Learning Models from Transnationaland Latin AmericanPerspectives”CommentatorPaul Sather,DirectorService Learning Academy,UNOChairEvangelina BrignoniCollege of Education, UNOSession 2CHealth Reform, HealthDisparities and Patients on the MoveDeliana García,Migrant Clinicians Network, Inc., Austin, TX“Creating a MedicalHome for Patients on the Move”Maria H. Hines, RaponzilDrake and Anthony Zhang, DHHS NebraskaOffice of Health Disparitiesand Health Equity“Bridging the Gap forHealth Disparities in Nebraska”Patricia Canessa,Executive Director, Salud Latina/Latino Health,Chicago, Illinois inpartnership with the National Alliance of LatinAmerican and CaribbeanCommunities (NALACC)“Salud Migrante”Andrea Skolkin,Chief Executive Officer, One World Community HealthCenters, Omaha, NE“Uninsured and Latino,Health Care Challenges and Models that Work”ModeratorJosé Villegas-Mendoza, NebraskaMethodist College and Iowa-NebraskaRepresentative for theInstitute for Mexicans Abroad (IME)3:20 pm- 4:50 pm AfternoonKeynote [SI/IS]“Dividing orConverging? Political Loyalties, TransnationalOrganizations, andthe Incorporation of Latin American Immigrants inthe United States”6Alejandro Portes, HowardHarrison and Gabrielle Snyder Beck Professorof Sociology and Director ofthe Center for Migration and Development,Princeton UniversityIntroductionJustin J. Morales,OLLAS & Department of Political Science, UNO5:00 pm-6:30 pm TownHall Meeting [SI/IS]New Destinations andImmigration Policies at the State and LocalLevelsAudrey Singer,Brookings Institution“Immigration Trends,New Destinations and Local Policy Responses”AmadaArmenta, University of California, Los Angeles“PolicingImmigrants: The Local Dilemmas of Immigration Enforcementin NashvilleSenator Brad Ashford, NebraskaLegislature“Nebraska Legislature’sResponses to Immigration and DemographicChange“James Goddard, JD,Staff Attorney for the Welfare Due Process Projectat Nebraska Appleseed“PromotingIntegration, Working to Defeat Anti-Immigrant Legislation:Outcomes of RecentLegislative Proposals in Nebraska"ModeratorBen Gray, OmahaCity Council6:30 pm-7:30 pm Brindisde Bienvenida/Welcoming Toast7Saturday May 158:00 am-9:30 am PanelDiscussion [SI/IS]PoliticalParticipation and Migrant Civil Society: Local Empowermentand Global Actionfrom BelowOscar Chacón,Director of the National Association of Latin Americanand Caribbean Communities(NALACC)“Migrant OrganizationsEmpowerment and the Global Forums”Xóchitl Bada, Universityof Illinois, Chicago and Jonathan Fox,University ofCalifornia-Santa Cruz“The Woodrow WilsonProject on Migrant Civil Society. Key Findings”Jonathan Benjamin-Alvarado and LourdesGouveia, OLLAS/UNO,Sergio Sosa, HeartlandWorkers Center“Omaha: Migrant CivilSociety Under Construction”ÁlvaroCaballeros, Mesa Nacional para las Migraciones en Guatemala(MENAMIG)“Nuevossujetos políticos transnacionales: el caso guatemalteco”RodolfoGarcía Zamora, Professor of Doctoral Program, UAZ,Zacatecas,Mexico“Eldesafío de las nuevas políticas públicas: las organizacionesmigrantescomo actores estratégicos y transnacionales”Moderator9:40 am-11:10 am ConcurrentSessions 3A, 3B and 3CSession 3ALabor, PrecariousEmployment and Worker Strategies [SI/IS]Luin Goldring,York University, Canada"Temporary WorkerPrograms as Precarious Status: Implications forCitizenship, Inclusion andNation Building in Canada"8Cesar G. Abarca,Boston University, “Informal/Formal Labor Spaces:Immigrant Latino Workers inNew Mexico’s ‘Contingent Employment’”María Teresa Gastón,Creighton University Center for Service andJustice, “PsychologicalContracts and Experiences of OrganizationalJustice of MeatpackingWorkers in Nebraska”Rebecca Crosthwait,University of Kansas, “The Industry Makes orBreaks Us: Mexican PetroleumWorkers, Industry Cycles, and WorkerStrategies”ModeratorCornelius McGreevy,Department of Sociology & Anthropology, UNOSession 3BNavigating a ShiftingTerrain: Public Policies and Immigrant RightsAnahi Viladrich,Hunter College of the City University of New York“Reinventing HealthReform: Two Decades of Struggles for Immigrants'Rights to Health Care”Christine Thurlow Brenner,Rutgers University“BureaucraticIncorporation and Institutional Effects on ImmigrantIntegration: State PolicyDecision Making and Undocumented LatinoImmigrants in New Jersey”Els de Graauw,Baruch College of the University of New York City“Federal Aliens, LocalCitizens: Expansive Rights for UndocumentedImmigrants in San Francisco”Lina Newton,Hunter College of the City University of New York“Filling the Void?State Responses to Immigration and Immigrants,2005-2008”ModeratorAudrey Singer, BrookingsInstitutionSession 3C [SI/IS]Political Engagement:Women, Latinos/as, the Church and ImmigrantOrganizations9MiguelUgalde, Instituto de Investigaciones Economicas y SocialesUniversidad Rafael Landivar(IDIES), Guatemala“Migrant GuatemalanWomen, Agents of Social Change, Under theCurrent Global Crisis - AMethodological Essay on Social Remittances”Neil A. Panchmatia,St. Cloud State University“The Catholic Churchand Faith-Based Social Justice Engagement: AComparative Study of Latinoand Somali Immigrants in CentralMinnesotaElaineRodriquez, New Mexico Highlands University“Latino/LatinaPolitical Engagement: Will Immigrants RevolutionizePolitics?”Magaly Sánchez-R,Princeton University“Colombian and VenezuelanImmigrant Organizations in the UnitedStates”ModeratorAnaPalma, OLLAS/UNORound TableChronicles ofResistance: Representations of Violence, Immigration,and Gender in RecentLatino/ Latin American Literature, Theater andFilmJennifer Cooley, Universityof Northern Iowa“Carne viva:(Re)Presenting (Im)migration in Iowa”Claudia García, Departmentof Foreign Languages & OLLAS/UNO“Crime and Impunity inPost-War Guatemala: El cojo bueno and Nochedepiedras, by Rodrigo Rey Rosa”Steven Luis Torres, Departmentof Foreign Languages & OLLAS/UNO“Generic Subversion inThe Three Burials of Melquíades Estrada”Karina Vázquez, MissouriWestern State University“Breaking the Waves:Deconstructing Social and Cultural Stereotypesthrough a Course on Human RightsReadings in Spanish”María Elvira Villamil, Departmentof Foreign Languages &OLLAS/UNO10“Fronterase inmigración en la crónica latinoamericana: Alfredo Molanoy Luis Arturo Ramos”11:25 am- 1:00 pm KeynoteAddress [SI/IS]“ReimaginingMigration Polices, North and South.”Roberto Suro, Professor,Annenberg School for Communicationand Journalism, Universityof Southern CaliforniaIntroductionGeitner Simmons, EditorialPage Editor, Omaha World Herald1:15 pm-2:15 pm SpecialAddressBernardo Álvarez Herrera, AmbassadorBolivarian Republic ofVenezuela2:25 pm-3:55 pm ConcurrentSessions 4A and 4B, 4C andCommunity WorkshopSession 4AThe Right to aDignified Life: Human Rights, Work, and CommunityMembershipSusan Gzesh, ExecutiveDirector, Human Rights Program, University ofChicago"Human Rights:Connecting Migration & Development"FabioBaggio, Director, Scalabrini Migration Center“Temporary MigrantWorkers' Program: The Trick behind the Deal”Loren B. Landau,Directorof the Forced Migration Studies Programme,University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa“Passage, Profit,Protection and the Meaning of Community: RethinkingIntegration, Rights, andBelonging in African Cities”11Tom K. Wong,University of California-Riverside“Immigration and theRights of ‘Others’: An Empirical Analysis of theHuman Rights of IrregularMigrants”ModeratorRev. Ernesto Medina, St.Martha’s Episcopal ChurchSession 4BTransnationalCommunities & Networks: Platforms for Action andMigrant Strategiesfor Mobility and InclusionAndrea Gentili, Universityof Trento, Italy“Behind the MigrationDecision: Family and Community Networks inMexico-USMigration”JavierÁvila, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona“¿Cómolos inmigrantes desarrollan sus redes entre origen y destino?Unapropuesta de análisis desde la teoría de Redes Sociales”Jasney Cogua-Lopez, FloridaInternational University“Colombian Fiancés,International Marriage Brokers and the MigrationIndustry”MarioA. González-Corzo and Vassilios N.Gargalas, LehmanCollege, City University ofNew York“The Bronx Today: ASocioeconomic Profile of a ChangingTransnational Community”ModeratorElisha Novak, ProgramDirector, Catholic Charities Immigration LegalAssistance ServicesSession 4C [SI/IS]Raids, Jails andImmigrant FamiliesJuan Pedroza,The Urban Institute, “Facing our Future: Children in theAftermath of ImmigrationEnforcement”Mark Foxall,Deputy Director, Douglas County Department ofCorrections12“The Douglas CountyJail Approach to Working with Latino andImmigrant Inmates in the Eraof Mobility and ICE”EvangelinaBrignoni, Juan Casas, Ana Cruz and Claudia García,Ramón Guerra, UNO“Unlocking Reality:The Challenges and Rewards of a University-JailPartnership”ModeratorWorkshop/StrategicEncounter:“PoliticalEmpowerment: Latinos/as and Migrant Organizations”(Limited spacesavailable. Must sign up beforehand)FacilitatorsKatharine Andrade-Eekhoff, ProjectCoordinator for NALACC, andProgram Manager of Justiceand Peacebuilding CRS, El SalvadorClaudiaLucero, NALACCPatriciaEugenia Zamudio Grave, CIESAS-Golfo, MéxicoSergio Sosa, ExecutiveDirector, Heartland Workers CenterAlejandra Toledo, OLLAS/UNO4:00 pm-5:20 am InvitedPresentation [SI/IS]Rubén G. Rumbaut, Professorof Sociology, University of California-Irvine“Pigments ofOur Imagination: On the Racialization of"Latino"Identities and the U.S. Census”CommentsZebulon Miletsky,Black Studies Department, UNOChairDavid Harris,Iowa West Foundation (Invited)5:30 pm-6:00 pm ClosingSession [SI/IS]Where do we go fromhere? Adopted principles and next steps13FacilitatorKatharine Andrade-Eekhoff, CatholicRelief Services, El Salvador(Invited)6:30 pm-7:30 pm Recital(Open to the Public)“MigratingMelodies”
Ensemble of musicianslocated in Mexico and Omaha.Bemis Center forContemporary Arts / Old MarketAidaMartínez, Soprano, Zacatecas, MéxicoLuisHerrera, Pianist, Zacatecas, MéxicoSouth Omaha Arts Institute Musicians14
Confirmed Exhibits
o Office of Latino/LatinAmerican Studies (OLLAS)
o Cumbre 2010 Presenters'Publication Tableo Catholic Charities CommunityService Division/Nebraska Immigration AdvocacyAlliance
o Consulado de México en Omaha, Nebraska/Ventanilla de Saludo Film Streamso Futuro Latino Fund/AfricanAmerican Unity Fund (Omaha Community Foundation)
o Heartland WorkersCenter/Centro Laboralo International Network onMigration and Development/La Red Internacional deMigracióny Desarrollo (RIMD)
o Lutheran Family Service of Nebraskao Midlands Latino CommunityDevelopment Corporation
o Mi Gente Latinao Nebraska Appleseed Centerfor Law in the Public Interesto Nebraska Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
o One World Community Health Center
o South Omaha Arts Institute15
Confirmed Sponsors
Ford Foundation
InternationalNetwork on Migration and Development (INMD)
National Allianceof Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC)
Heartland WorkersCenter
Mammel Foundation
CreightonUniversity, Creighton Center for Service & Justice
Consulate of Mexico in Omaha, Nebraska/Consulado de México en Omaha,Nebraska
One WorldCommunity Health Centers, Inc.
University ofNebraska, Office of the President, Office of Diversity and EquityUniversity ofNebraska at Omaha,
College of Arts and SciencesUniversity ofNebraska at Omaha,
College of Public Affairs and CommunityServiceUniversity ofNebraska at Omaha,
Department of Sociology and AnthropologyUniversity ofNebraska at Omaha,
Office of the ChancellorUniversity ofNebraska at Omaha,
School of Communication
University ofNebraska Foundation
Wells Fargo
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