RantWoman apologizes to groupies who tuned in seeking sarcasm or cutting edge mathematics. Today RantWoman is simply flakking about a key accessibility concern: the exciting world of PDF files. RantWoman has written this webinar into her calendar; she hopes her many readers will do likewise!
RantWoman especially commends the American Foundation for the Blind for lost of ongoing work testing things in worlds electronic!
-----Original Message-----Thu, Apr 1, 2010 7:09 pmSubject: [VICUG-L] [Missouri-l] FW: Accessibility Webinar
Save the Date! - AFB & Adobe webinar on PDF accessibility April 5th
This free 90-minute webinar will demonstrate how Adobe's ubiquitous PDF is accessible by people with disabilities using assistive technology. Topics to be covered include different types of PDFs, using Adobe's built-inaccessibility features, and navigating PDF documents. This webinar isperfect for users of assistive technology, keyboard users, webmasters,content providers/authors, Section 508 coordinators, and rehabilitationtrainers.
Read more at http://www.afb.org/Community.asp?EventID=2156
Please feel free to post this news to listservs and social networking sites as well as circulating among your constituents and on your own web site.
Marc Grossman
Accessibility Specialist - AFB Consulting, American Foundation for the Blind
Phone: (212) 502-7607
E-mail: mgrossman@afb.net
Linked In profile: www.linkedin.com/in/afbconsulting Twitter:www.twitter.com/afbconsulting
Expanding possibilities for people with vision lossT
Denny Huff - President
Missouri Council of the Blind
5453 Chippewa
St. Louis, MO 63109
Phone: (636) 262-1383
Toll Free: (888) 362-1383
Phonecast: (816) 298-8969
FAX: (636) 629-1710
The purpose of Missouri Council of the Blind shall be to promote the generalwell-being of our members and legally blind people in Missouri, and tosupport or participate in other programs promoting the best interests oflegally blind people everywhere.
VICUG-L is the Visually Impaired Computer User Group List.Archived on the World Wide Web at http://listserv.icors.org/archives/vicug-l.html Subscribe: vicug-l-subscribe-request@listserv.icors.org
Sunday Movies: Upgrading BRT to Rail
4 hours ago
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