RantWoman is only too happy to celebrate success. Recently she has noted with humble gratitude a chain of events leading to a series of increasingly wonderful enhancements to the pedestrian environment around the building housing the offices of one of her medical providers.
RantWoman over time has visited this provider at varying intervals but in general often enough that RantWoman would ask for frequent flyer miles if she thought she had any prayer of landing on sandy beaches surrounded by beautiful music, skilled massage practitioners, and other worthies RantWoman is pretty sure that in this case all her frequent flyer miles will get her is more visits to this provider!
RantWoman visits this provider on the bus and has several travel routes to choose from. The building is set back quite a ways from the street. There is a circular driveway and there used to be a giant expanse of lawn Time was, out at the street in front of the office. there used to be a nice concrete pad and bus shelter next to a crosswalk
Alas the bus could not actually stop there because of bad line of sight issues related to a traffic light. Instead the bus would stop about 30 feet back and all the passengers would have to get on and off the bus from a big mud pit. RantWoman was complaining about the mud pit one day to a driver and he told RantWoman about the line of sight issue. RantWoman complained; RantWoman thinks the driver must have complained to. Time marched along. Time was marching by without RantWoman having to accumulate as many frequent flyer hours as sometimes.
RantWoman went back a few months later. There was a new concrete pad where the mud pit had been. The bus shelter had been moved near the pad. Hallelujah, right? Not quite! The waves and waves of bus-riding masses had no way to get from the bus stop to the front door. Well, they could either walk across a vast expanse of lawn or walk in the fire lane and dodge delivery trucks and such.
About this time someone in the provider's office handed RantWoman a survey. Can you say invitation? It happened that recent experience had included a couple of annoying events and there was some other open-ended question like "anything else? "Why yes!" RantWoman grabbed some more available white space on the form. RantWoman managed some kinder, gentler version of "it is effing estoooopid that here I am moving and walking and being healthful trying to walk to your front door and I have to risk life and limb in your firelane...."
Lo and behold more months went by and recently there was first construction and then soon after a WONDERFUL broad sidewalk from the bus stop across the vast lawn to a painted crosswalk in the front driveway!!!! Perhaps it is megalomania to claim RantWoman is responsible, but in the meantime RantWoman is REALLY, really enjoying the sidewalk and the new bus stop and RantWoman thinks a lot of other people are too!
Weekend Link Disruptions Extended
5 hours ago
Woo Hoo!!