RantWoman heartily exhorts any blind and visually impaired students interested in STEM fields (Science Technology Engineering Math) fields to give this great opportunity a serious look:
Opportunities for Summer 2011
NASA is looking to increase the number of blind and disabled students, pursuing science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) careers through our internship programs. We have a two-percent hiring goal. Students can apply between November 1 and February 1. They can register for an account and look for internships anytime at http://intern.nasa.gov/. Internships run for ten weeks from May 31, 2011, through August 5, 2011.
In order to be eligible to apply, students must be accepted as freshmen at> an accredited institution of higher learning, i.e., a college or university at the time of the internship. This is what we call a rising freshman. NASA has internships for rising freshmen through doctoral students in STEM fields. A minimum GPA of 2.8 is required to apply; however, applicants must understand that the competition for internships is keen. The age limits for> interns are eighteen years and up.
Internships are available at all NASA centers nationwide. Students can> select a particular center by applying for a project or projects at said> center. For example, a project having to do with the Solar Dynamics> Observatory (SDO) will be at Goddard in Maryland because SDO is here. If students simply apply without choosing any projects, their applications will be available for mentors to view at all NASA centers nationally. However, not applying to any projects may result in no mentors even looking at their applications because they will not have asked anyone to by not specifying specific internships.
Please feel free to contact me for more information or help with applying.
Kenneth A. Silberman, Esq.
U.S. Supreme Court, Maryland, & Patent Bars B.A., M.Eng., J.D.
NASA Engineer & Registered Patent Attorney Education Office Code 160
NASA/GSFC Mailstop 160 Bldg. 28 Rm. N165 Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA> Voice: (301) 286-9281
Fax: (301) 286-1655
E-mail: kenneth.a.silberman@nasa.gov
Office Location: Building 28 Room W151
Weekend Link Disruptions Extended
12 hours ago
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