RantWoman geography quiz:
Today RantWoman's NeoWorx counter sent her an alert about now reaching F.Y.R.O.M. RantWoman was taken aback to think there is a country out there whose name is only capital letters and periods. RantWoman was a little worried that this must be some kind of surrealist typesetting exercise.
Then the RantWoman brain emerged from its summer vacation haze: Ohhhh. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Now RantWoman has new queries and vexations. Who assigns names like this? They are the former whatever. Don't they have a present?
There is a further geographical non sequitur. Macedonian is an EAST Slavic language. What the heck is East Slavia doing right in the middle of South (Yugo) Slavia or is it Former South Slavia? RantWoman does not necessarily mean to make light of hundreds of years of bloody Balkan history, but RantWoman is PERPLEXED.
RantWoman is tired enough from a short trip that she should probably give her Cause of the Day good intentions a rest. Since when does RantWoman know when to quit? RantWoman hereby offers space on her blog for a campaign to help the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to find themselves a new name, to seek it out or generate it via a contest or.... RantWoman invites comments. RantWoman makes NO promises a to what she will do with comments, but here world, have at it!
Sunday Movies: Upgrading BRT to Rail
1 hour ago
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