Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fantasy du jour

Once again, RantWoman admits to, um, peculiar fantasies. Today RantWOman is thinking about going to an event at Anderson Park in downtown Redmond.

RantWoman calls her readers' attention to the directions and the stunning automobile-centeredness of the directions listed. RantWoman's most basic fantasy about transit-friendly enhancements would be either some kind of mention of specific routes with nearby stops or direct links to the Trip Planner, perhaps with the address already supplied in the destination field.

See, to go to this event, RantWoman is going to have to do a lot more work than just to get in a car:

--Look up bus connections and directions on the trip planner.

--Figure out whether there are workable routings that are Metro-only and therefore covered by RantWoman's current pass or whether the routings involve SoundTransit and then RantWoman will have to make sure her ORCA wallet includes sufficient funds.

--log on to and check the balance in her ORCA wallet for fares beyond the level of her pass.

--cope woth digressions and interruptions that come up in the course of all these steps.

--whine all over her blog about fresh new hassles made quicker and easier by the vast power of the information superhighway.

Oh wait, RantWoman is starting to froth at the keyboard and should just get about her tasks. Still recognition on such sites that people might arrive by bus would be fabulous. RantWoman realizes every city has lots of parks, but still

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