RantWoman is still:
finishing some reports she owes the world
filtering her electronic pile of end of the year fundraising solicitations. Come on, RantWoman has no money. The best she is going to be able to do is social networking, Friending on facebook...
basking in bliss from all the cheery chatter at her recent festivity
guessing she is supposed to be glad the festivity did not include chats with representatives of the various enterprises where RantWoman would feel compelled to have a "I don't care where you work in company X, THIS part of your company's brand does NOT work" conversations. RantWoman has more than once been on the receiving end of such chats; this does not lessen RantWoman's temptations to indulge.
making mental note to make more resolutions about respecting the laws of physics on behalf of all those convicted in the realm of RantWoman circles of driving while stupid and especially driving while stupid in front of Metro buses. RantWoman hates going to parties and hearing about people suffering crippling injuries and exponential life complications because some Darwin Award candidate, super shopper, or doddering codger decided to cut off a Metro bus.
writing thank yous for people in her life who followed directions--and for the ones who didn't
RantWoman is not supposed to be getting around to end of year resolutions yet. So the following item is for the filing cabinet / good intentions list:
Happy New Year!
It's about to begin a whole new year. Will this be the
year you make some major changes in your life? Below
are 11 NLS audiobook suggestions that might help.
These are listings that might be of interest and
benefit to those looking to earn an income -- be it
from a job, a career, or a home-based business. They
range in focus from students looking for first jobs to
seniors starting home-based businesses. They are
downloadable from the BARD program through the NLS site
(http://bard.loc.gov/nls ).
If you're not using BARD yet, I highly recommend it. Here are a few career, job,& similar titles that might help you find what you seek:
Strive On!
America's Top One Hundred Jobs for People without a
Four-Year Degree: Great Jobs with a Promising Future
Krannich, Ronald L. Read by Jake Williams. Reading time
13 hours 12 minutes.
Career and Job Training
Former university professors and authors of career
books present a guide to finding secure positions with
opportunities for advancement. Covers nine major
fields, including medicine, computers, science,
construction, sports, and travel. Profiles the salary,
nature of work, and working conditions for each
category. For senior high and older readers. 2005.
Download America's Top One Hundred Jobs for People
without a Four-Year Degree: Great Jobs with a Promising
Future, DB59966
The Best Home Businesses for People Fifty Plus:
Opportunities for People Who Believe the Best Is Yet to
Edwards, Paul. Read by Butch Hoover. Reading time 15
hours 44 minutes.
Career and Job Training
Features seventy enterprises that baby boomers can
operate out of their homes. Analyzes each activity's
suitability for the over-fifty generation by
assessing its costs, potential earnings, required
skills, stress factors, and flexibility. Covers
selecting, starting, running, and building a business.
Download The Best Home Businesses for People Fifty
Plus: Opportunities for People Who Believe the Best Is
Yet to Be!, DB60158
But What If I Don't Want to Go to College? A Guide to
Success through Alternative Education
Unger, Harlow G. Read by Jake Williams. Reading time 17
hours 2 minutes.
Career and Job Training
Describes the lucrative career opportunities and
demands for various trades and skills that do not
require a four-year degree. Discusses advantages and
disadvantages, requirements, and future prospects for
ten types of alternative education. Includes resume and
interview advice as well as resource lists. For
senior high and older readers.
Download But What If I Don't Want to Go to College? A
Guide to Success through Alternative Education, DB48568
The Career Chronicles: An Insider's Guide to What Jobs
Are Really Like; the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly from
Over Seven Hundred Fifty Professionals
Gregory, Michael. Read by Jack Fox. Reading time 8
hours 7 minutes.
Career and Job Training
A former lawyer offers college students and young
adults an overview of various professions. Discusses
opportunities and includes comments from practitioners
in medical, legal, financial, computer, sales, and
media fields, among others. 2008.
Download The Career Chronicles: An Insider's Guide to
What Jobs Are Really Like; the Good, the Bad, and the
Ugly from Over Seven Hundred Fifty Professionals,
Job Search Handbook for People with Disabilities
Ryan, Daniel J. Read by Kerry Cundiff. Reading time 10
hours 25 minutes.
Career and Job Training
Comprehensive resource guide to career development for
people with mental or physical disabilities. Helps
prospective employees assess their strengths,
locate job openings, prepare for interviews, organize
resumes, utilize government programs, and negotiate the
workplace. Includes a state-by-state list of
employers who recruit and hire qualified disabled
individuals. 2004.
Download Job Search Handbook for People with
Disabilities, DB58010
One Hundred and One Best Home Businesses
Ramsey, Dan. Read by Jack Fox. Reading time 9 hours 27
Career and Job Training
Brief suggestions on businesses that can be operated
out of one's own home. Discusses basic job
descriptions, skills and equipment needed, target
and money matters. Includes examples and case studies.
Download One Hundred and One Best Home Businesses,
Persistence Is Power! A Real-World Guide for the Newly
Disabled Employee
Lazo, Jeanne. Read by Bob Moore. Reading time 10 hours
36 minutes.
Career and Job Training
Provides disabled employees with information about
disability insurance, Social Security, and Workers'
Compensation. Explains the Americans with Disabilities
Act. Offers advice for filing claims and managing
paperwork, and provides forms and resources. Addresses
emotional, medical, legal, privacy, and monetary
issues. 2004.
Download Persistence Is Power! A Real-World Guide for
the Newly Disabled Employee, DB61175
Rules for the Road: Surviving Your First Job out of
Luppert, Eve. Read by Gary Tipton. Reading time 5 hours
22 minutes.
Career and Job Training
Gives succinct, practical advice for college graduates
or others beginning their first venture into the
corporate world. Explains what to do the first day on
the job, what to wear, how to get along with different
types of bosses and coworkers, how to succeed, and how
to handle finances.
Download Rules for the Road: Surviving Your First Job
out of School, DB47985
Small Time Operator: How to Start Your Own Business,
Keep Your Books, Pay Your Taxes, and Stay Out of
Kamoroff, Bernard B. Read by Kerry Cundiff. Reading
time 13 hours 35 minutes.
Career and Job Training
A step-by-step guide for the small-business owner to
start and operate an endeavor, from location,
financing, licences, and plans to bookkeeping,
partnerships, taxes, and more. Includes information on
home-based businesses and use of the Internet. 2002.
Download Small Time Operator: How to Start Your Own
Business, Keep Your Books, Pay Your Taxes, and Stay Out
of Trouble!, DB54744
Successful Job Search Strategies for the Disabled:
Understanding the ADA
Allen, Jeffrey G. Read by Art Metzler. Reading time 9
hours 31 minutes.
Career and Job Training
Allen addresses the more than forty million Americans
who are disabled, sixty percent of whom are unemployed.
He offers advice on finding a job, gives an
overview of the ADA, and discusses topics such as:
where jobs are, self-assessment for a job, what to
disclose regarding a disability, interview guidelines,
accommodations, and enforcement of the ADA guidelines.
Download Successful Job Search Strategies for the
Disabled: Understanding the ADA, DB39730
Work 101: Learning the Ropes of the Workplace without
Hanging Yourself
Freedman, Elizabeth. Read by Margaret Strom. Reading
time 8 hours .
Career and Job Training
Corporate career consultant presents her office rules
for the novice professional. Covers many aspects of
work conduct, including building relationships with
coworkers and supervisors, showcasing strengths in
meetings, mastering communication, and handling
promotions and resignations. Explains e-mail pitfalls
and dress codes. 2007.
Download Work 101: Learning the Ropes of the Workplace
without Hanging Yourself, DB67206
Sunday Movies: Upgrading BRT to Rail
3 hours ago
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