RantWoman is behind her intentions about posting seasonal preparedness tips that have come her way.
1. RantWoman HIGHLY recommends that busriders sign up for Metro's emergeny alerts for their favorite routes.
True confessions: RantWoman meant to sign up for something and report the results of her efforts, but RantWoman has lost patience and promises, promises to come back to thi.s
2. RantWoman urges Metro to take heed of the following holiday celebration and travel points
--The Rant family is likely to be travelling on some routes we do not usually travel on. We will be extravagantly grateful for all drivers who can answer questions--even if the driver has only been driving the route for an hour ever.
--We are likely to be doing different transactions than usual on our ORCA cards. For instance, RantWoman has been squirreling away some holiday road trip funds in her ORCA wallet. But when RantWoman actually wants to spend money out of her ORCA waller, she expects to need to pay disabled zone fees for 1 or more other people besides herself who have their own Regional Reduced Fare Permits. RantWoman hopes this reality does not cause anyone's brain to melt.
3. Here is a wiki with tips for people buidling social media apps on the fly or otherwise about tips as of today for overcoming the barriers inherent in different media channels:
Midweek Roundup: Magic Median
1 hour ago
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