RantWoman is celebrating Seattle Public Schools spring break! RantWoman is such a party animal that she is celebrating by...chaperoning Irrepressible Nephew across town by bus to his school so he can...play video games. This means Irrepressible Nephew is also a wild party animal too. Or at least he is getting lots of opportunity to tutor RantWoman about the various eating habits and habitat of the numerous creatues in his household menagerie, the fine points of comparison shopping at different local pet stores.
The REALLY wild spring break travel theme comes when...drum roll please....RantWoman tries to pay Irrepressible Nephew's bus fare. RantWoman has a monthly pass. Irrepressible Nephew qualifies for a student fare. RantWoman would very much like to pay Irrepressible nephew's bus fare out of RantWoman's ORCA wallet.
Yesterday RantWoman tapped her card first for her own monthly pass. Then RantWoman asked the driver to help her deduct a student fare from her ORCA wallet. The driver had to look something up on a screen but he found the right thing to press, RantWoman tapped her card again, and the ORCA reader emitted the expected beep.
Today, RantWoman repeated the steps only to get a lecture from the driver about needing to tell him about the ORCA wallet transaction first, before tapping her own pass. RantWoman is confused.
RantWoman is noting this excursion to exotic corners of ORCA procedure land because she imagines that other people's patterns of ORCA usage change around things like vacation schedules too. Would some kind of reminder help drivers out?
Sunday Movies: Upgrading BRT to Rail
2 hours ago
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