Friday, August 2, 2013

Blogger, Troubleshot?

Dear Blogger


RantWoman would be ECSTATIC to post this tech support issue in some tech support specific location, but RantWoman does not have the patience to find it. RantWoman is VERY grateful, apparently, to have gotten things into the right fields so far to post this on her blog.

Here is RantWoman's problem.

RantWoman is sort of technologically promiscuous. That is RantWoman has regular experience with two different operating systems, Windows 7 and Windows XP, IE 8 and IE 9, and both JAWS 10 and JAWS 13 or 14. Did RantWoman mention her Zoomtext habit too? Blogger does not function perfectly in any of tnese environments, but most things work more than well enough for RantWoman to achieve her minimum requirements of verbal trouble.

Scratch that. Used to work. The last couple days RantWoman cannot reliably find headings for instance in blog posts. RantWoman cannot reliably find the main edit field for the body of the post and when she finds it, JAWS keeps telling her it's read-only field. This problem occurs in both of RantWoman's main computing environments. The problems editting persist when RantWoman subtracts JAWS.

Ordinarily, RantWoman might be prepared to concede that some sin of omission or commission on RantWoman's part might be contributing to the problem BUT NOT THIS TIME. The problem came on unexpectedly. The problem occurs across different of RantWoman's tool combinations. This leads RantWoman to suspect IT'S BLOGGER'S FAULT!

Please oh please Mr. and / or Ms. Blogger People, could you please take a look and see if you can replicate the problem and maybe even RESOLVE the problem.

Thank you.

Your humble and suddenly obsequious customer

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