Saturday, August 31, 2013

National Preparedness Month 2013 #NatlPrep

RantWoman has been casting about for another theme for some blog post a day spell of blog work.

RantWoman has been thinking of trying on other religious traditions and was thinking about a post a day during Ramadan. RantWoman did not think of this until Ramadan was over for this year. Sigh.

RantWoman has been considering whether to try on Judaism for the High Holy Days. RantWoman is pretty sure she lacks the focus and care it would be a good idea at least to aspire to in order to try this.

Maybe RantWoman should... look to her blog hit counts for a sign!

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Which item is as of this writing, No. 5 all-time for most read of RantWoman's blog posts, at least on RantWoman's ostensibly more secular blog?

Here is an accompanying followup:

And if you just want to browse The World According to RantWoman

Next out of RantWoman's Tweet stream and vast vortex of procrastination opportunities also swam an item from with the hashtag #NatlPrep beckoning us to National Preparedness Month.

Okay, Okay, Okay. RantWoman Gets IT. RantWoman is going to observe National Preparedness Month, in both practical and spiritual dimensions.

RantWoman has two blogs; RantWoman aims for material meaningful for all and hopes that will be found on  . However RantWoman sometimes needs to prepare for disasters by admitting she is close to losing it and needs to summon every whiff of spiritual center and inspiration she can find for normal conditions and is REALLY GOING TO NEED HELP during a disaster. OR RantWoman needs to say something that she can only summon words for in the terms of her faith tradition, the Religious Society of Friends. This sort of message will appear on

Here is an example:

But preparedness is a Community Activity. RantWoman needs her readers' help.

If you identify as having a particular disability and want RantWoman to pass along tips topical to your disability, please send them in.

If you have a favorite resource in a language other than English or a favorit multilingual site, RantWoman would love to hear about it.

RantWoman always aspires to know more Bible stories than she does. If there is a Bible story that you think needs disaster preparedness treatment, RantWoman is happy to consider what she can do with precise citations. Ditto stories from other faith traditions but RantWoman is not sure she wants to wade too far into, say, Noah's ark or the parting of the Red Sea.

RantWoman favors multifaith preparedness. If you have preparedness-themed shuras from the Q'ran, send them in.

If you have a song departing from the Hanuman Chalisa on a preparedness theme, RantWoman would love to consider it.

Likewise Gregorian chant, ballads from national folk traditions, repurposed advertising jingles, Sufi dance rhythms, ...

Everyone and all of our affiliations need to be prepared. If Repent the End is Near needs to be part of your personal plan, go for it. RantWoman, alas, is likely to be too busy repenting of her own numerous foibles and follies to be any help for some flavors of repentance but if you have something practical share, bring it on!

RantWoman thinks inclusive understanding of different people's thinking can be really valuable in emergencies. RantWoman actually suggests we not wait around for emergencies but it IS soon going to be National Preparedness Month so let's start there.

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