Dear potential employer.
Look. RantWoman as self-employed person is both sometimes a terrible boss and a terrible employee. So RantWoman probably has a lot of damn nerve trying to sell herself as exactly who the organization wants to hire! Yeah. And this is RantWoman! A lot of damn nerve and an internet footprint / electronic presence it would be hard to hide from even if RantWoman wanted to hide come with the territory
The job descriptions all imply that "a lot of damn nerve," disguised as "interpreneurial spirit," "self-direction," and other qualities frequently mentioned in job descriptions are exactly on point. Think of it as RantWoman self-branding.
RantWoman has multiple potential employers and specific job descriptions in mind. In one case in particular, RantWoman wants to argue with the corporate presence, explain how digressions to read blog posts about African coconut chick pea soup are midway between RantWoman rant themes and taking the company where it needs to go.
Plus even if RantWoman herself does not get hired, MAYBE RantWoman's opinions will feed constructively into whoever does get hired.
Meanwhile, RantWoman tends to remember things better if there is some kind of strong association and RantWoman needs to file a really tasty-looking recipe.
RantWoman just got done with an awesome networking meeting related to programs at the Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing. Besides programmatic and networking threads, food was involved. In particular, greens. Kale. Mustard greens. Kale and Mustard greens together. With Bacon. Without Bacon. RantWoman has varied but frequently enough enjoyable experience with greens. RantMom on the other hand considers greens an exotic culinary frontier she is seldom willing to do more than opine about.
But while RantWoman was shifting gears mentally, the vast internet infoglut also delivered this wonderful-sounding Kale and sausage soup:
RantWoman LOVES things this spicy but for RantMOM we might dial back the spiciness.
Not yet. BACK TO (the rest of) WORK!
Sunday Movies: Upgrading BRT to Rail
8 hours ago
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