Saturday, April 4, 2015

Etta May campaigns to save the couches. Passover and the NCAA along the way.

Dear World,

Please bear with the weird and wacky ways RantWoman's brain works. Try to find something to laugh about. If something in this post offends you, please leave a comment and consider that RantWoman may possibly just need forgiving in advance.

First, RantWoman is utterly charmed and delighted to discover a comic presence even more out there than herself: Etta May!

Second, Does the NCAA not recognize holidays? This year, the NCAA final four is in the middle of Passover and the night before Easter. A substantial portion of the viewership is either going to have to have kosher for passover treats for any gametime parties or be in such a pre-holiday funk that ... well never mind. Somebody is going to wake up on Easter Sunday with a championship high on top of the Resurrection; someone else is likely to wake up with crucifying hangovers.

Third, RantWoman is deeply touched in particular that Etta  May is responding to NCAA Basketball tournament madness in what is, to RantWoman, an utterly sensible way: she is trying to discourage college men from torching couches regardless of the outcome of the game.

Fourth, an accessibility howl: RantWoman is posting the above links pending a consultation with the Friendly Neighborhood Center...'s JAWS guru. Mr. JAWS just reads a lot of punctuation crap; RantWoman needs to rule out her own lack of sophistication with the tool and options for adjusting settings to cut down on the unwanted oral punctuation.

Fifth, apparently in the home of the U-KY Wildcats at least, people who do not actually burn couches, sometimes make burning couch cakes. Consider the following specimen:

UK Wildcats Burning Couch Cake

The subject of how to make such a creation kosher for Passover came up. RantWoman offered a few feeble comments from her limited experience with grocery store items, not herself having any need for a burning couch cake, let alone one that is kosher for Passover.

And finally, in honor of people wanting both to observe the final Four and to observe Passover, RantWoman offers this John Oliver item about near-slavery terms of college athletes, even athletes involved in big-time money-making sports like basketball. Warning: it is John Oliver. The video contains language that would make steam rise from RantMom's ears. 'Nuff said?

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