Sunday, May 10, 2015

Satisfied Customer

RantWoman made a customer at the Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing very happy recently.

Happiness: Orange flowers, orange pot

In this case Extreme computing meant extremely simple. Customer had never used a computer but she was in a car accident. She arrived at the Friendly Neighborhood Center clutching 2 DVD’s one with 3 911 calls and one with dash cam video from the officer who responded. The extremely simple part consisted of

--Turn on screen enlargement software so RantWoman could navigate

--Note that customer says she has trouble seeing too. Make mental note, if customer comes back to see whether the Zoom / magnification comes with the operating system will meet her needs.

--Find button to open DVD drive, insert DVD, close and wait for OS to find files.

--Click on first 911 Call file. Hand customer headphone.

--When first file is done, repeat the click to open step for other two files.
Bingo. The lying wretch who was trying to slide by on the right while customer was trying to turn left and all the other lanes were stopped had no licensense or insurance also claimed that Customer was the one who ran the red light. Customer was very happy to have that info when she talked to her lawyer.

--Open DVD drive; swap in other DVD. Click to open.

Luck of the draw. We opened the second file in the list and that turned out to have the dashcam; the other file had a cam in the back seat of the patrol car and NOTHING useful in the time we watched.

Cops eye view. Lights sirens. A band of pedestrians straggling across the street in front of patrol car with lights and sirens.

A couple cars that did not exactly yield to patrol car.

Arrival at scene.

Car barely visible to left

Eventually officer turned his car around and there was a better view of the car that got hit.

Several high-drama (NOT!) moments as accident is investigated. Tow truck arrives. Video ends when the car that got hit is loaded onto a tow truck and driven away. Most of the action is about as lively as watching paint dry.

While customer is viewing these videos, there is also chatter: customer wants to come back and take classes.

Customer has already been back! Things went very well with Lawyer and court; customer brought RantWoman a small plant. RantWoman is touched and hopes she can find a place with good light!

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