Thursday, June 25, 2015

Field Trip, Photos, Publishing, Paths Partway there.

This post is about photos, but there may not be a single photo in the post. The post is about the uncopyrighted amateur photos, but RantWoman also needs to read up and be a more diligent blogger about things like image rights .


Meanwhile appreciate that RantWoman figured out a couple points about links in blog posts, went on a digression to learn about the nofollow attribute for links, got a headache thinking about what she would need to know or look up to work with only a screen reader, and therefore what it would mean to have a screen reader user in the workflow. Now forget all that geek stuff for now while the crack team of Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing hangers-on assembles our various photo streams.

RantWoman has MUCH to say about a recent wonderful teambuilding excursion to the
 Olympic Sculpture Park

Please note: RantWoman makes SOME efforts to maintain appropriate brand identity about things she posts of. For example, when RantWoman wants to write of the STAR of Seattle  she will focus on positive inspiring heartwarming empowering things.

And when RantWoman writes of things that make her frustrated and grumpy, she will refer to the very same community technology center by andffor people of widlye varyinv abilities and disabilities, RantWoman will often speak of The Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing. And partof the Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing ambiance is increments of improvement for instance in RantWoman's--and others'--command of blogging processes, social media concepts, and social media practices.

Sometimes the place excels about having both identities at the same time. Today, while RantWoman is trying to chronicle a wonderful teambuilding trip to the Olympic Sculpture Park, is such a day.

Today's topic: photos, mobile  devices, and publication.

So far RantWoman is aware of the following photo streams:

[--No one thought to take along the separate digital camera used for classes.]

--One volunteer's photos now awaiting delivery on CD via Walgreens, Today the question of a cable with a USB port came up as an alternative. The availability of an appropriate cable, or willingness to test-drive random cables that seem to fit would be another pathway.

--RantWoman's efforts, a few of the clearer examples now haveinb been moved from RantWoman's Android phone to Gmail or to blog drafts. RantWoman REFUSES to connect her phone directly to her blog. RantWoman's efforts may appear separately.

--A staffperson's efforts now available through Dropbox with vague instructions / intentions about posting to Facebook or These photos are distinguished at least to RantWoman's wonky eyeballs by desirable qualities such as focus, appropriate lighting and reasonable composition.

--Another regular's photos lurking on a Windows phone without a data plan. Today's Mobile Plus or Minus moment featured a couple rounds of first STAR Volunteer and then RantWoman groping and swiping through settings to....connect the phone to STAR Center WiFi. Connection has been achieved. Volunteer is thrilled to have evidence of connectivity. RantWoman is now awaiting updates about actual photo transfer.

Welcome to the new digital universe, complete with #digitalinclusion tour.

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