Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Age Friendly Seattle apps the world needs.

RantWoman has two things on her mind right now, laundry and the A city for All Age-friendly Seattle hackathon. RantWoman needs to emit wild ideas into the universe.

For instance at the moment, RantWoman is thinking #InternetofThings and self-sorting laundry. RantWoman is deciding whether she would be willing to tolerate some kind of RFID in her underwear in exchange for the capacity to throw clothing into a pile and wake up the next morning with clothes sorted into the groupings they get washed in. RantWoman would also think to ask some blind people or other people who need / provide help getting dressed what aspects of the garments they might want to sort by such as color, fiber content and fabric, laundering instructions,

RantWoman has an equally important person-sorting problem: if it were up to RantWoman everyone would come equipped with some kind of WeedBeGone technology that frees the non-inhalers like RantWoman from the Hip Grandparents who are thrilled to be able to walk and bus around in a giant cloud of weed-based fog. RantWoman can envision various force fields or hermetic sealing options. However midway through the mental meander, RantWoman realized that just sorting people for example on public transit into preference groups could be at least as helpful and probably less drastic than hermetic sealing.

RantWoman is not planning to look for teams about either of these topics, but would not mind sparking someone's imagination.

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