Monday, September 11, 2017

Recent repast. Review

The RantWoman Sunday Supper review

No technology news exactly but see newspaper rant below; another topic needing attention instead.

RantMom was deeply moved by the videos of Michael Bennett talking about how scared he was during the recently encounter with police in Las Vegas. Enough said.

RantMom talked about pharmacies all over town having trouble getting certain widely prescribed blood pressure medications. The pharmacies are having trouble getting product. RantWoman is cynic enough to wonder whether the drug companies are trying to pull off another Epi-pen. Or RantWoman is just unduly cynical.

RantMom continues to be vexed by issues of newspaper delivery. Rantmom leaves for the day quite early many days but not earlier than the delivery deadline back in the hoary mists of Last Century when RantBrother and sometimes RantWoman were delivering papers on foot. RantMom would like to read some of her paper before she leaves. RantMom prefers to read newsPAPER  not online. But erratic delivery timing is a very big reason RantMom cut her paper back from every day to something less. Please note newspaper biz.

Now the repast.
Technically it was RantWoman's turn to cook, but it's cooler and RantMom seems to have more energy. Plus she has that "I must have my children over and feed them" zeal.

RantWoman though needed black tea. RantWoman debated various shopping and dinner sequences. Finally RantWoman opted for overshooting RantMom's bus stop and going to the nearby Safeway before dinner and skipping some produce she might have bought if she were going straight home. RantWoman spent $20 on tea, 10lb of potatoes, several fruit juices and a small donation to hurricane relief before heading over to RantMom's.
10 lb of potatoes is an astronomical quantity for one person. But RantMom only wanted 4. RantWoman will figure out surplus and just donate to neighbors.

RantWoman's other contribution to the household.
Pom juice, slightly tangy but nowhere near as tangy as the pomegranate juice available during RantWoman's long ago study abroad trip to Russia. pom juice on sale so the RantWoman split a small bottle.

Salad from a bag: the RantWomen do not even apologize for this. A variety of ingredient combinations in the right quantities for small households.


Baked red potatoes

Cherry crisp with ice-cream.

Another funny RantMom household moment. RantWoman but not RantMom can reach things on the top shelf of RantMom's cupboard, things like our favorite drinking glasses. RantWoman notes this small reaching exercise moment without further comment.

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