Thursday, October 5, 2017

Shopping, shopping carts

This meditation brought to you by people who like to shop live, touch and pick their own merchandise, get out and have the full retail experience. These are the people who LIKE buying chicharrones at Promenade Red Apple and have no reason to expect that chicharrones will fit into the exalted nutritional standards of Whole Foods.

These are the people who like the blasts of cool air from the store refrigerators and the chatter of live clerks more than boxes on a screen..  These are the people who offer the following further thoughts on shopping carts, particularly shopping carts in large housing communities.

Shopping carts in large apartment complexes are (check all that apply)

A menace to people with mobility and vision issues.

A flagrant violation of the fire code.

Evidence of theft and therefore proof of moral decay and the world headed to hell in a handbasket, or is it a shopping cart?

How about the only way to transport laundry for bulk sessions in the laundry room?

A vital part of people's efforts to feed themselves. Suppose one's shopping options boil down to trips, say once a month, to some large grocery shopping opportunity. One buys as much as one can get home in the available transportation options. One gets more home in a shopping cart than one can carry unaided.
Once the shopping carts arrive, merchants are to be heartily thanked for all the services the carts provide before they make it back to the store.

There. End of rant, and a surprisingly benign one considering other themes roiling RantWoman's soul.

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