Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Cat Graphics Tactile #caturday with #blackcat

She who has dominion over the RantWoman household demands an appearance on the blog.

Meet the Queen of Spades
The Queen of Spades is not really charmed by her weekly #caturday photo op and recurring Twitter presence. She tolerates such sacrifices of privacy only in the name of Science.

Here is the text of her latest offering to the universe: agenda cough up a hairball bite and scratch. Now I will be Twitter coach.

RantWoman and The Queen of Spades have discovered that #blackcat is also a topical hashtag. RantWoman has further discovered a whole bunch of hashtags attached to cat videos.

RantWoman is not charmed.

In fact, when RantWoman runs out of other topics about which the world desperately needs correction, RantWoman will absolutely decree that there really should be some limit on the number of hashtags in a tweet. DO NOT use all 280 characters in a tweet for hashtags. Do not. 'kay?

We do, though, have the #blackcat hashtag to thank for RantWoman's latest experiments in tactile graphics. The image on the left below is from a sketch that came in a tweet. The bitmap image on the right: Tactile View filtered the iamge ont eh left to a line drawing and RantWoman made the lines maximum thickness.

The results definitely pass RantWoman's informal and idiosyncratic tests:

--Has the creation process appropriately used interesting features of TactileView? Nope. RantOWman has been poking around menus. RantWoman sees things she would probably like--if there were a manual easily findable. Stay tuned.

--Can RantWoman identify key features from the original drawing, like say the whiskers?

--Can a totally blind person tell what the image is. RantWoman has not tested this ...yet.

The same Twitter cat turned into a bitmap for a tactile image
A lovely uncopyrighted cat drawing from Twitter

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