Sunday, January 27, 2019

Potluckery: with Lentils!

Who does not frequently need a good item to take to a potluck, and preferably one that transports well on the bus, will be available at the desired temperature when it is time to eat? So much the better if the item is nutritionally responsible and accommodates dietary needs such as veganism and attention to clearly identifying allergens. Also really awesome: uses ingredients at hand, in RantWoman’s case this time lentils, cocoa, and cashews.


Lately RantWoman’s faith community has decreed potluck at times when formerly a staffperson assembled a meal and fed the worshipping masses.  In light of this change RantWoman herewith takes a break from ranting about the #DisabilityInChurch conversation regarding software accessibility issues and, um, unconventional approaches to volunteer appreciation (stay tuned). Instead RantWoman will be discussing potluckery in general and her culinary cowboy recipe for vegan lentil cashew brownies. The vegan brownies are a transformation of a very intriguing recipe for high-protein lentil walnut brownies which swam out of search results for a more conventional lentil stew.


RantWoman has mixed feelings about the switch from paid staff to potluck. RantWoman thought the paid staffperson model was LOVELY and thinks it would be possible to find money to continue to support this role. However RantWoman always likes a good challenge and wants to double dog dare anyone who will listen to come up with their own contributions.


That said, as a legally blind person, the potluck definitely means more items to try to identify and more uncertainty if one approaches the food table without assistance. The potluck thing has taken hold unevenly. Today was the first month where the potluck table did not feature two large bowls of chips. There was a lovely curry and cauliflower dish. There were other desserts besides RantWoman’s contribution. There were several vegetable / salad options and meat. More available quantity would not be terrible, but RantWoman left feeling nourished and there was not going to be a crumb left on the brownie plate.


And now, HERE IS THE RECIPE for RantWoman’s contribution.


First the link as written:


High protein Lentil brownies.

Now all the things RantWoman did to the recipe:

  1. Triple the recipe because there is no pan size mentioned and RantWoman guessed that tripling the recipe would about cover a 9”x13” baking pan. Almost, that is, not quite out to the edges.
  2. Substitute cashews for walnuts. RantWoman had cashews but not walnuts.
  3. Empty her maple syrup bottle and mix the sugar with lentil liquid. RantWoman definitely did not triple all the sweetenings. The results suited RantWoman just fine, but next time RantWoman will pay attention to more maple syrup for moistness and maybe a little more sweetening.
  4. Use the 1 tablespoon of ground flax seed in a water slurry substitution for each egg. RantWoman used some of the liquid from cooking the lentils.
  5. Add about a teaspoon of cinnamon to the dry ingredients just because.


RantWoman found the results quite satisfactory with room for small improvements. RantWoman has not sought reviews from anyone.


Thank you internet. Thank you search engine.

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