Monday, March 18, 2019

Invasion of the Lightbulb Swappers: Powerful Neighborhoods Seattle

Powerful Neighborhoods Seattle


That is the search string that will take readers to information about Seattle City Light’s various programs to help landlords and people who live in multifamily housing make changes to reduce energy consumption. RantWoman would not have known the right search string based on a paper she received because of the program. RantWoman interacted enough with the paper to give permission as described below but did not either ask the nice gentleman handing out the papers or try to read everything on the paper for more details.  RantWoman only learned of the search string because it was left on a screen in large enough letters for RantWoman to read after a customer service moment at the Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing .


Some of the links



RantWoman realizes she should use the Contact US link to ask her question below.


Anyway, there are several links. Use the Search string.


RantWoman thinks this is clearly a wonderful and worthwhile program, and RantWoman is going to write about Invasion of the Lightbulb swappers, the nice City Light representative with a display in RantWoman’s building about a week and a half ago. The City Light representative came offering free LED lightbulbs that are supposed to be even more energy efficient than compact flourescents, and free power strips.


The free stuff was supposed to get delivered last week. People who wanted free stuff, who wouldn’t,  (RANTWOMAN, about all those power strips feeding all those devices at your house????)  were supposed to hang a signed info sheet on their doors. Or people who were not going to be home, could sign the form, give management permission to enter their apartment, and get their free stuff in absentia.


The free stuff arrived Wednesday while RantWoman was out.

Compact Flourescent bulb in a lamp
They missed at least one compact fluorescent and RantWoman cannot tell about bulbs in two unused lamps in the bedroom. The new bulbs are bright, a point RantWoman appreciates except when bright is shining straight into her wonky not very light-responsive eyeballs. The light fixture over the stove has spaces for two bulbs and only one bulb in it.


Digression: Invasion of the LightBulb Swappers generated two customer service moments at the Friendly Neighborhood Center…. One is a deaf-blind neighbor who lives down the hall from RantWoman. RantWoman and Deaf Blind neighbor try to read each other’s handwriting all the time over communications issues like this, but this time it was someone else’s turn to help. The other was one neighbor who speaks some English asking for help about the form and then translating into Chinese for someone with no English.


Back to RantWoman’s house. RantWoman was not entirely charmed to find the lightbulbs that had been substituted out spread all over her counter and stove.
What am I supposed to do with the old bulbs?

RantWoman thinks she needs more lightbulbs or that she will need more at some point. RantWoman probably would not mind some less bright options. RantWoman also realized it probably WOULD be a good idea to check out the free power strips. So thank heaven for the search engine and the Contact Us form. And Happyu New Light bulbs everyone.

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