Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Clueless Crazy A$$ Congresswoman Tries To Grill WH Acting Budget Directo...

Apparently RantWoman needed a reason to face-palm in order to get to the points of this round of #CivicsForLauren. Thank you #RolandMartinUnfiltered #RMU

The face-palm moment: at the very beginning of the tape, Rep. Boebert is referred to as a Congresswoman from AZ. Arizona is NOT Colorado. The two states do kiss each other at one corner, but RantWoman believes the Arizona reference is Rep. Paul Gosar, such a devout Trumpling that his entire family disavows his points of view.

Please, please keep better track both of western states and of the fervent Trump devotees that represent them.

Two points stand out for RantWoman: 

RantWoman wonders whether Rep. FBoebert would speak to either a bank or a service person on contract for her family business the way she speaks to the deputy White House Budget director. RantWoman finds it hard to believe that  a banker would want to underwrite a business run by someone who cannot keep straight which lines of funds have come from where.

More interestingly though is Rep. Boebert's reference to "ceding the border to the cartels?" RantWoman is curious about Rep. Boebert's information sources. Why do people flee northward? Too much gun violence and cartel gangsterism in their home countries? Where do the cartels get their guns? RantWoman has good intentions about doing a Google search about "where do the cartels get their guns?" This only because RantWoman does not have precise fresh citations about the massive movement of guns southward. If Rep.Boebert really wants to do something about "ceding the border to the cartels," what would she be willing to do to curb the free market in weaponry? Waiting...waiting...?

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