Friday, June 11, 2021

Young Women Leadership?

 Today in #CivicsForLauren

It's Pride Month and RantWoman is confused: Rep. Lauren "My Pronoun is Patriot" Boebert has a Twitter bio that identifies her a CongressMAN Lauren Boebert. However this weekend, she is set to attend the Tea Party's Young Women Leadership Summit in Dallas.

RantWoman is confused. Has Rep. Boebert gone all non-binary on us? Is she gender fluid? Should people be lining up to figure out which restrooms she gets excluded from?  How much government intrusion into personal medical decisions is she signing up for just because of what might just be some kind of editing error?

RantWoman realizes it might be a good idea to summon enough journalistic fortitude to wade a little further into the memes of this weekend's Tea party event. Other matters are ahead of this on RantWoman's to-do list but RantWoman does want to leave readers with a couple observations from her heroic efforts to mine Rep. Boeberts Twitter feed so other readers don't have to.

Readers may remember a few weeks ago when Rep. Boebert was chattering in a hearing about her rights under the 19th amendment, seemingly unaware that women in CO and several other western states had the right to vote decades before the final ratification of the 19th Amendment. This week Rep. Boebert is showing equal disregard for modern day female pioneers: 

Rep. Nancy Pelosi is the first female speaker of the House. Rep. Boebert on Twitter says that she is a bigger menace than the 17-year cicada hatching.

Next in dissing pioneering women, Rep. Boebert made a video about the border crisis where she refers to the first female Vice President as #CacklingKamala. RantWoman refuses to propagate the video for a number of reasons although she is touched by Ms. Boebert's concern for "children wrapped in tin foil." RantWoman assumes without in-depth journalistic research that this refers to issuing unaccompanied minors aluminum space blankets while they are in detention.

RantWoman has no intention of visiting the US Southern border. RantWoman gets that there are many dimensions of border issues. RantWoman sees no need for herself or VP Harris to visit the border in person and RantWoman is baffled by people yammering about how tax dollars get spent insisting that VP Harris will best spend our tax dollars on an in-person visit to the border!

Suffice it to say, if these moments are the highlights of this wekend's tea pary event, please just miss me with this vison of "Leadership." 

PS Interesting District Analysis from Politico

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