Saturday, February 17, 2024

People gathering in memory of Alexei Navalny in Moscow

#Russia #Navalny

RantWoman originally posted in a hurry without commentary. 

RantWoman has seen many videos in English and does not intend to offer a complete translation but does want to convey the flavor of the event.

Hundreds, probably a few thousand people have been detained at protests like this in cities all over Russia.

There are at least two categories of police.
Officer with a megaphone says various things "Please keep moving" "Please stay clear of the metro entrance."

The yellow vests say "PRESS."

Trigger warning: some instances of police violence.
At times the crowd shouts "Shame! Shame!".

RantWoman has not tested automated translation except if readers click the Youtube button, there will be a Translate into English option by every comment in Russian.

The event takes place at the monument to victims of political repression on Sakharov Street in Moscow. Readers who have never heard of physicist Andrei Sakharov are invited to consult Wikipedia or preferred search engine.

Even erecting such monuments was a thing of the late 1990's and very early 2000's before the post-Soviet windows into Soviet history started to close.

Readers will appreciate all the literary layers of this geography.

The video opens with police a third police office asking the journalist for her ID and she says they are probably going to ask a fourth and fifth time.

The video shows several young people saying why they have come, why others are afraid to, how much hope Navalny inspired.

RantWoman assumes Navalny's death is state violence. If RantWoman were to compare Navalny to a figure in the US though, the Kennedys come to mind, and this in spite of some views RantWoman has no respect for.

Navalny's final message: "Never give up!" 

And anti-war candidate Boris Nadezhdin is still, RantWoman believes, appealing to have his name on the presidential ballot for the March elections in Russia. (FWIW "Nadezhdin" is a variant of the word for Hope.)

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