Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Equal Opportunity Employer

RantWoman is having one of her bouts of job seduction. By job RantWoman means something where RantWoman gets paid well and steadily for showing up and lending her brillian presence and there are gnomes, maybe even gnomes someone else is in charge of, around to help handle the bookkeeping, the IT maintenance, and sundry other necessary tasks both mundane and strategic.

These thoughts often get squashed by the cold splash of reality. Today's cold splash of reality: the juxtaposition of the words "equal opportunity employer" and "requires a valid driver's license."

As you might guess, RantWoman and "valid driver's license" no longer exist on the same planet. RantWoman does not do cosmetics. She does very little television. It should surprise no one that even when RantWoman had a driver's license she did not display the average red-blooded American's level of enthusiasm for driving, and this despite spending her high school years in a city and state where many motorists drive a preposterous number of miles every year just in the course of doing their daily business.

RantWoman took her last driver's license eye test with an undiagnosed medical problem, so predictably, she failed the test. She really has never looked back, even when the customary state paperwork reached her eye doctor's assistant and a low-key question: Nope, fine, the bus works great.

Enter the phrase "essential job functions," the all-important specifier for the basis of negotiations about what one is going to promise to do for one's employer. RantWoman is pretty familiar with the "essential job functions" as constructed by the person presently doing the job that provoked this reflection. RantWoman finds herself meditating about alternate methods for fulfilling the "essential job functions," especially alternate methods that get her where she needs to be and do not require forever and a year to accomplish. Let's just say RantWoman is still meditating


  1. good luck. wondering though: what kind of work do you do that you need to drive? or is it just that they want ID? question you may not want to answer, so no worries.

  2. The particular job requires a considerable amount of getting hither and thither all over a fairly large area, much of which is not served by public transit.

    In rich fantasy life, some of the job could be done by mobile device while getting hither and thither to help with the time issue. If there were not other reasons this job might not be a match for the likes of RantWoman, one might think of working the organization's volunteer network for help with specific transportation needs.

    Perhaps that is enough said about this topic with respect to RantWoman. RantWoman is being coy about the identity of the organization because it is far from the only place that posts job ads like this. Also RantWoman customarily sends the hiring entity some kind of acid communication about alternate language that is not so blatantly discriminatory and RantWoman has not done that in this case for other reasons, such as RantWoman's thoughts that she needs to concentrate her energies on options that are a better match in other ways.
