Saturday, May 9, 2009

"Swan Flude" subsiding--NOT!

RantWoman notes, as of an article updated just after 10pm of the first death in WA linked to swine flu.

RantWoman sends heartfelt condolences to the man's loved ones.

The news reports this is the first death outside of TX. RantWoman suspects this is not a coveted distinction. The number of confirmed cases in WA is about double what it was a couple days ago. Numbers continue to increase in many places. Yet RantWoman went virtually all day without hearing a thing about swine flu until she specifically looked online.

RantWoman went to just a scream of a benefit event at RantMom's church. The event: a Cheap Chic fashion show to benefit Fisher House a charity that provides short-term housing for the families of veterans getting care at VA hospitals. RantWoman could with appalling alacrity rant about there being too many veterans entering our experience just now, but RantWoman was too busy enjoying the thrift shop fashion ensembles. High points included the pastor's husband's scary beach shorts and an 80+year-old in a paper swimsuit: all eyes who knew anything about the story were on the face of the swimsuit model's daughter; RantWoman thinks she is grateful RantMom was just in her element buzzing around the crowd making sure everyone had plates of omelette and fresh fruit and muffins. The other point was just that there was nary a word about swine flu and RantWoman did not bring it up either.

Next RantWoman went off on an errand for a friend in the hospital in isolation for what RantWoman suspects is just an ordinary nasty hospital-acquired infection. No word about swine flu there or at the other half of that errand at a different hospital with someone "only" in ICU. Well, the in-room computer had a CDC screen about how hand sanitation saves lives. No swine flu; more than enough other dramas in both cases.

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