RantWoman has an exalted title at the Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing. RantWoman has this title because she opened her mouth at a key juncture and because no one has deposed her.
The upside of this title is being called on to make executive decisions. The downside of this exalted status is being called on to make executive decisions just as one is coming in from a dentist appointment.
RantWoman's two executive decisions while still under the influence of novacaine:
The Friendly Neighborhood Center... labored for months to get a mission statement that is both grammatical and representative. Despite the plainly obvious point that everyone who has anything to do with the place has either visible or hidden, acknowledged or unacknowledged disability, we decided we hated the word enough to leave it out. RantWoman finally after feedback about still really having to talk to the outside world changed a key phrase to "of widely varying abilities and disabilities."
The most recent version of our brochure needs a couple corrections. Originally it was printed with little graphic icons in color. RantWoman is unable explain why but she and at least one other person feel the result in color just looks like something the feline staff would throw up. Beware, there are certain intrinsic problems about assigning graphic design decisions to the legally blind anyway. Rantwoman happened to be looking over a version printed in bblack and white, though. The results were to RantWoman's view much more satisfactory than the color version.
Executive decision number 2: print it in black and white.
Stop! RantWoman is just not going to overdo the executive decisions!
Sunday Movie: Excessive Studies
4 hours ago
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