RantWoman opened this morning's email to comments from other people who tried to respond to the http://rantwoman.blogspot.com/2009/10/united-we-ride-interagency-information.html
information-gathering process.
RantWoman for a number of reasons was not in position to detect all the web accessibility problems with the data collection website. Even worse, the fact that a web-based information gathering process is completely inaccessible to a large percentage of heavy users of transit and paratransit went winging right by RantWoman, computer junkie that she is. Bear in mind, people who do not have access to or know how to use computers are people who might in fact have highly topical insights about how to make many parts of transit systems more efficient. RantWoman would further note that providing additional opportunities not limited to the web forms for email input at the last minute on the last day of data collection is a poor excuse for fuller accessibility throughout the full process.
In RantWoman's rich fantasy life, the voices of people who actually use the services would be included early enough in the design of the research to provide meaningful input. RantWoman is just saying....
Sunday Movie: Excessive Studies
11 hours ago
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