For no obvious reason that RantWoman can think of except maybe liquid falling out of sky, she decided to take the Light Rail to a destination for some indoor walking. RantWoman decided her destination would be the Red Apple across from the Beacon Hill station. RantWoman was completely seduced by parsnips and by the usual 69-cent bunch of cilantro, the sort of quantity of this herb that will provide RantWoman enough cilantro to feed her whole local extended family for a month.
But RantWoman digresses. RantWoman has two points: first, make a mental note to cross Beacon Ave. to the south from the Beacon Hill station because there is no stop light at the north corner. Silly RantWoman for thinking that the intersections are different enough to both merit a traffic signal.
Second, RantWoman has not previously paid attention to anything like publicity materials about what the Beacon Hill station looks like at night. Standing across the street, in RantWoman's typical level of visual fog, the 4-color lighting scheme looks really cool on a rainy night!
In a more wonkish vein, RantWoman notes the creation of yet another transit advisory body:
This one has a tight timeline and will advise the county on options for changes. RantWoman is filing this news under her take note and pay attention category and pointedly has no more opinion than that.
RantWoman for her part recently accepted interim appointment to Metro's Accessible Services Advisory Board. RantWoman thinks her appointment is in some procedural purgatory and RantWoman is not even trying very hard to find a link yet about this information. RantWoman notes after the first meeting that this should be a lively and opinionated bunch and that even a proposed merger with the regular Transit Advisory Council is unlikely to dilute the color cacophony of voices she heard at the first meeting. Stay tuned, though RantWoman reminds her readers that she still will not chatter about things before they are otherwise public.
Sunday Movies: Upgrading BRT to Rail
5 hours ago
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