RantWoman is QUITE aware, thank you very much, that the title of this post could get her onto more watchlists than she probably already is on. RantWoman wishes to make VERY clear from the outset that the title is a lexicography / jargon/ slang point, not an expression particularly of memorial or homicidal intent! RantWoman will eventually get around to some accessibility points, but why would RantWoman start now about getting to her point in any kind of straight line?
"Dead Presidents" is one movie, gangster, Hollywood euphemism for currency, cash, money, dinero. The thought of relying on cash rather than blips on a screen is sort of charmingly retro or redolent of cash-intensive business such as gambling, drug dealing, car wash or laundromat operations, fast food or probably some other endeavors RantWoman is blessed to be comparatively unfamiliar with.
RantWoman IS familiar with concerns about the accessibility of US currency. Today RantWoman was amused to receive in her email an item exclaiming rapturously about this very matter.
The email made it sound as if the Department of the Treasury, the US Mint are actually getting around to implementing the most recent court ruling to the effect that the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires US currency to be accessible to the blind not just more distinguishable to the visually impaired; furthermore the fact that over 100 countries already manage to make their currency accessible implies that the US most certainly should also be able to accomplish this. See for instance the following previous RantWoman item: http://rantwoman.blogspot.com/2009/08/usability-testing-of-currency.html
RantWoman has at least been seized with some peculiar restraint: RantWoman is not, Not, NOT going to spell out who it was who sent RantWoman the item which launched this rant. RantWoman thinks that person should be more au courant. RantWoman thinks that person should not push his or her luck relying only on RantWoman's restraint, and for some reason completely incomprehensible to RantWoman herself, RantWoman is just short of scorn and hopes her readers will join her in continuing to root for the development of completely accessible currency.
Weekend Link Disruptions Extended
11 hours ago
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