It's what, 2 days into the November Freeze and RantWoman is only now figuring out the bus reroutes. Scratch that. RantWoman is only now figuring out how to download the pdfs with the text descriptions of the reroutes via the links on the severe weather alerts page. RantWoman THINKS she should be pleased, but this is RantWoman:
RantWoman possibly needs remedial intro to Metro's websites, but RantWoman thinks, since the snow reroutes are made up in advance of the snow storm that it would be ever so helpful if the descriptive text snow reroute pdfs were downloadable ALL THE TIME. RantWoman looked at the regular bus schedule pages and found maps but not text. RantWoman wonders whether this info is already available elsewhere and RantWoman just does not know where to look.
See, here's the deal:
--A lot of people who frequent places like The Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing do not have computers at home. Some have computers but don't have printers or have computers but not connectivity. But when a storm hits, people cannot necessarily get to places like the Friendly Neighborhood Center..., or they really, really, really need the bus reroute information to get there. However, at least SOME of the people who frequent places like the Friendly Neighborhood Center... plan ahead or respond to staff exhortations to plan ahead if severe weather is forecast.
--The average community technology center probably serves people who mainly use a small number of bus routes. If the staff plans ahead, when foul weather is forecast, there could be exhortations to customers to check out reroute information in advance and MAYBE help to print out the text reroutes for people who can use it. Links to this info could also be included on printed schedules.
If the staff are really on top of things they MIGHT even have skills to print out the documents in large print or in forms big enough to use as signs, but RantWoman admits that MIGHT be daring for many.
RantWoman again went NOWHERE today except across the breezeway to the Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing. The Friendly Neighborhood Center... relies HEAVILY on transit for our volunteer corps and some key volunteers live on routes with serious reroutes. So RantWoman was filling in, doing more of her ongoing exercise in assessing training needs and service opportunities.
RantWoman actually spent a chunk of her time at the Friendly Neighborhood Center.. fussing with a different topic and did not even stumble across the file download concept until she came home. This would be another indication that there might be some merit in planning ahead. For now, RantWoman will file this thought.
RantWoman confesses, she kind of lost interest in even thinking of going anywhere on a bus after watching video online last night of the #43 bus in full 180-degree skid on Capital Hill.
Yesterday RantWoman did go out for a modest amount of commerce. RantWoman was pleased that the walks around her building were cleared. RantWoman wishes the same could be said for a nearby soft drink bottler, sidewalks near a couple fast food joints, and some other stretches of sidewalk covered with enough muck to make both RantWoman and Ambassador Thwack grumpy. RantWoman, secret sun worshipper is grateful at least to have gotten her shopping done while the sun shined.
Sunday Movies: Upgrading BRT to Rail
4 hours ago
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