Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Productivity

RantWoman is writing one of those monthly reports one is sometimes expected to produce. Unfortunately, this one is about The Queen of Spades and her, ahem, contributions to RantWoman's productivity. This week the Queen of Spades is excelling at:

--Pigeon patrol. RantWoman has no idea why the pigeons are attracting so much notice this week, but The Queen of Spades is being particularly vigilant in her efforts to track and dispell this airborne entertainment.

--Speaker phone management. The Queen of Spades does not really interact with the phone on demand. However she periodically, for no reason RantWoman can detect, decides the phone needs to be on speaker phone and walks onto the button to make it so. Speaker phone management is especially entertaining when a gravitational experience can also be induced so that kitty can peer off the desk at the phone dangling by its cord with a bemused "now what?" look all over her face.

--Bun toasting. It is comparatively warm for February and compared to the rest of the country. Nevertheless, this week the Queen of Spades is especially interested in plopping down for a nap right next to the heat output vent for the computer. RantWoman would possibly be willing to indulge this EXCEPT that the Queen of Spades has no capacity to pay for any resulting computer meltdowns.

--Suppertime time machine trials. RantWoman is not sure whether this phenomenon is something on the frontiers of physics and technology, human persuasion, or just piteous appetite. The Queen of Spades has empties her food dish and clearly thinks it's the human's responsibility to refill it on the Queen of Spades' schedule. RantWoman is unwilling to experiment with any time machine about the matter even though RantWoman's office productivity is at its apex just now.

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