Saturday, August 27, 2011


RantWoman has this possibly absurd pretension that she is a gardener. That is RantWoman has a balcony. RantWoman has pots with various things planted. Specifically RantWoman planted:

chives, thriving

parsley, thriving in multiple pots

basil, no clue what happened

something else RantWoman does not now recognize which has already bolted after growing to 3 feet high and grey and spindly

and, most important, TOMATOES!!!!!

RantWoman is permitting herself that exclamatory excess because:

--RantWoman has about4 good plants forming sort of a jungle in one corner of her balcony

--RantWoman ACTUALLY HAS TOMATOES. RantWoman has spoken by phone to multiple informants who all imply that RantWoman is about the only person they know in Seattle who actually has tomatoes!

RantWoman is trying not to lead this distinction go to her head.


  1. I am now terribly curious about the spindly, bolted grey plant......

  2. Heh! So am I. I THINK the package said oregano but the plant does not look like what I know was oregano last year.

    I decided to take care of it as a gift from God even if I don't know what to do with it. I have that problem a lot just now about gifts from God. But I think I will not put it in my soup.
