RantWoman has two events she needs to bring food contributions to today. RantWoman has previously written of her lentil exercise.
Here RantWoman is going to address the matter of dessert and RantWoman's proclivity toward sweets guaranteed to set off someone's allergy issues.
First, RantWoman realized she is taking items to a meeting where a number of people have issues with gluten. RantWoman apologizes if anyone also has issue with sugar, egg whites and ground almonds. Everyone else is enthusiastically invited to consider the Amaretti from Borracchini's on Rainier.
RantWoman realized she needed at least to give thought to dietary diversity...after almost finishing a batch of RantWoman peanut butter cookies. RantWoman leaves to her readers' judgment the full scope of her allergen festival.
The point of departure for RantWoman's recipe is something RantWoman memorized decades ago from an old Betty crocker cookbook. The default RantWoman version:
Let butter or margarine sit in covered bowl until room temperature. (RantWoman is not going to confess how many days permitted in today's case)
1 c butter or margarine.
(This time, RantWoman used Butter because right now, dairy product price spikes notwithstanding, butter is cheaper than the margarines RantWoman would prefer. Take that Julia Child and all you butter / fat afficionados.)
1 c brown sugar, packed
1 c peanut butter (RantWoman likes crunchy. RantWoman is not brand conscious but tends not to be repeat customer for brands that are too full of fillers)
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
Cream all of the above together. RantWoman usually adds the eggs in a separate step from the rest.
Sift in, in a couple rounds,
1 1/2 c unbleached flour
1 1/2 c whole wheat flour
2 tsp baking soda.
RantWoman likes the extra density and slightly nuttier flavor with whole wheat flour. RantWoman also draws raves from others. RantWoman forgot to shop for whole wheat flour after her last batch. So this time RantWoman substituted about 1/3 cup of wheat germ for some of the flour.
RantWoman left her ingredients out too many days this time and decided to let the dough chill in the fridge overnight.
When ready to bake, preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Very lightly grease cookie sheets. RantWoman favors a corner of a paper towl lightly moistened with the oil of choice and rubbed vigorously across the pan. RantWoman would actually think the recipe has enough fat for the pans not to need greasing but experience says otherwise.
Roll the dough into walnut-sized balls and place on greased cookie sheets. Make crisscrosses by flatteing the balls from two directions with a fork.
Bake 8-10 minutes until done.
Do you really need RantWoman's help to decide whether to eat, freeze, pack in small baggies for lunch...?
Sunday Movies: Upgrading BRT to Rail
3 hours ago
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