RantMom is home safe in her nest. Her tough as nail cred is also safe.
RantMom ventured out confident in the weather forecast that it would warm up by late afternoon. The NWS weather forecast was WRONG.
RantWoman did not think to ask RantMom whether the 7+48 bus routing to Little Sister's took longer than average.
Guess what Mom, the mayor tells people to shovel their walks, but whoever might shovel the walks along a public park is probably otherwise deployed.
Never mind. Irrepressible Nephew always needs practice endearing himself to Grandma. He met RantMom at the arrival bus stop and arrival at Little Sister's was otherwise uneventful.
RantMom got ready to go home midafternoon just about the time the late afternoon yuck struck. She shared an umbrella with someone at her first bus stop. She complained about a 15-inch pile of plowed snow between the street and the curb at the transfer bus stop and at her home bus stop too. Luckily there were charming pairs of hands to assist RantMom and her wheeled backpack and RantMom did not seem the least big contrite about her snowplowing expectations.
Guess what Mom, it's been a good while since RantWoman has dealt with snow-plowing patterns in other places, but RantWoman's memory is that that kind of pile is not unusual early in a storm.
Guess what Mom, all this is why they suggest not going out unless you really have to. Really!
Sunday Movies: Upgrading BRT to Rail
3 hours ago
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