Saturday, November 24, 2012

Holiday Treat fave: condensed milk fudge

RantWoman's refrigerator still encompasses leftovers from Thanksgiving--in addition to another potluck. But RantWoman's febrile soul is also already turning to some favorite holiday treats. RantWoman's favorite treat list for this phase of life includes a few standard items and permission, if something not on her list presents itself, just to buy and try. A favorite of the day:

Fudge made with chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk.

RantWoman likes:
--There is enough calcium to make the product at least a little less nitritiounally embarrassing than other recipes.

--The milk also makes the flavor more satisfying at least to RantWoman than the teeth rattling sugariness of some recipes.

--The prep is SO fast and easy and there are no eons of stirring hot sugar / marshmallow mixture. RantWoman is adventurous enough to be willing to go there as far as melted sugar if necessary, but RantWoman really appreciates capacity to produce tasty and decadent treats without all the possible adventures of super hot sugar solutions.
   Note: RantWoman has been reading recipes that mention a double boiler for decades. RantWOman has never ever owned anything CALLED a double boiler. RantWoman thinks it would be hard to stir this and add ingredients and stir fast enough to prevent scorching even with really low direct heat. So RantWoman uses a saucepan with a water bath from a larger frypan on her electric burner. This can create a little steam around one's arm. RantWoman has various techniques including an oven mitt for avoiding problems and the whole heating process goes really fast from chips and goo to spreadable mass.

RantWoman cannot leave well enough alone:
--RantWoman loves walnuts in fudge. Walnuts are high in polyunsaturated fats; the internet is full of plenty of nut testimonials to soothe the fat phobic. Add 1/2 cup or so of chopped walnuts.

--Chopped hazelnuts or almonds would also be nice instead of walnuts.

--RantWoman has been known to substitute other forms of chocolate for 1 c of chips. The Rant Family is so pleased by the concept of fudge that variable results seem not to distress them.

--RantWoman has been known to add a tablespoon or so of cocoa for extra chocolate intensity.


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